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Larchfield Primary and Nursery School

Our children are central to all that we do.

Message following Government's Sunday announcement

Dear Children, Parents and Carers,

I am sure that you will have seen the Government's announcement this evening, detailing their ambition to open primary schools to pupils from Reception, Y1 and Y6, should the new COVID alert level be low enough to allow this from June 1st.

We are committed to following the Government's advice in the safest way possible for all children, staff and parents. We are expecting to hear more details on these plans from the Department for Education and will maintain communication with parents throughout this period, as we have throughout these current times.

In the meantime, school remains open to those critical worker children who have been accessing our childcare provision and we hope you are all accessing the many opportunities on the website and through the learning packs.

As soon as the school has more information, we will be in touch to share our intentions and to discuss your views on these.

Kind regards and stay safe,

Mrs J Kearney

