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Larchfield Primary and Nursery School

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Class Activities


We had a great time today. Never let it be said that Year 5 lets food go to waste. After an influx of tomatoes as snack for KS1 (more than they could eat), we had a go at making our own chunky tomato sauce. We were ever so careful chopping them up and everyone seemed to want to cut up the onions... We also tried some fresh basil if we wanted to and many came back for more! Some of us managed to save our pots of sauce to go home but not all of us.


Our last lesson with Jane, finishing off our volcano inspired dances!


Some tennis skills being practised today!


Another lesson taking advantage of the sunshine today. This time we took Maths outside. Looking at reflecting shapes, we first made shapes out of our bodies for our classmates to reflect then made some more complex patterns in the Learning Garden to reflect as well. We had so much fun, we forgot we were learning!


In English today, we were looking at how we can build suspense by showing our readers how the character is feeling than that telling them. We worked together to share ideas as to how that could be done before sharing ideas with another group.


So this afternoon we were sketching out our ideas for our final Tina Holley inspired watercolour painting. Seeing as she paints landscapes, we went out into the Learning Garden for inspiration. Helps that it was a beautiful day!


Second lesson in and starting to look at the different cords now. Our left hands are needing to bend into some odd shapes to get the right finger on the right fret.


A rather fascinating afternoon looking at the different stages of a frog's life cycle.


Getting very excited for camp now! We learnt how to put our tents up and even more impressively get them back into the bags they came out of! Miss Coates was very impressed with how well we worked together and how quickly some of those tents went up!


Getting used to blending colours using watercolour paints this afternoon. All in preperation for Tina Holley inspired paintings soon.


An Earth Day special author event to kickstart our week. Found out about some new books that seem very interesting. 


Kicking off our new Science topic by acting out the life cycle of a butterfly. Wonderfully accompanied by David Attenborough style nature documentary commentry.


Having the library closed for training just means Year 5 get inventive in where we read....Not even the whistle will dissuade us.


Science this afternoon saw us facing a real puzzle. Miss Coates just gave us a mixture ad asked us to use all our learning to separate out the different materials. We could choose from different equipment and ask for other things we thought we might need.


An amazing visit today from Karen from Dogs Trust. She was in to teach us all about being dog smart. I think it's safe to say everyone learnt something!


Really proud with how mature Year 5 were today as we discussed and debated some issues around smoking.


A few highlights from from our book week. Please check out the Trips & Events page for more detail about what we've been up to.


In Science this afternoon, we took a closer look at some materials - a much closer look. We used digiscopes to look at the structures of different materials.


Year 5 spent some time this afternoon looking at some of the geographical features of Europe. We used atlases to find where someone had visited from the clues they gave us.


After reading the first part of the story of Hercules, today we split into groups and each acted out one of the labours of Hercules. We then performed them to class so we all knew the rest of the story. 


I think Miss Coates might have been more excited than anyone to hear Emma Carroll talking about her books and where she gets her ideas from. Today we had a virtual visit from Emma Carroll organised by Maidenheads Big Read.


Our Computing lessons have been looking at image sharing and manipulation. These are a few examples that the children wanted to share. I did make sure to get their permission first!


A lot of lessons learnt in Science today and not all of them were about insulators! We carried out the experiments that we planned ourselves to find out how to keep a drink hot for the longest. It really made us realise just how carefully we had to think about every little detail. 


It may have been wet and rainy all day but that hasn't stopped the fun in Year 5. An indoor lunch saw a range of really lovely activities in the classroom: building all sorts with Lego; working together to complete a jigsaw and steady hands making very tall towers.


Some very eagerly awaited post opened this morning! Three members of our class have been chosen to have their 100 word stories published! A testament to how excellently they told their tales. Once parents' have consented, the anthology goes to print. Watch this space after Easter to see the finished product as the book is released 28th April.


Today we put our drama skills to the test! We acted out parts from Who Let The Gods Out and frozen at points, making sure our faces and bodies showed our feelings. Hopefully this will help our writing next week as we can show rather tell the character's emotions.


This term in Art sees us learning all the skills to draw a portrait of Medusa. We started this week with sketching eyes. Of course we made use of the school Kindle Fire tablets so that we could follow the steps at our own pace and restart as many times as we needed! Watch this space for the finished articles as I'm very sure you will be impressed.


Today was the climax of our hard work all week learning the first part of T'was the Night Before Christmas. Our groups all performed their renditions from memory. I was incredibly proud of how well they did.


Snowflake Day!! We started with some Christmas Maths puzzles before moving on to writing some Christmas/winter themed shape poems. Then we started a carousel of different activities. We decorating biscuits with Mrs Agyeman; used white wax and watercolours to create patterns with Mr Smith and used glitter glue to make cards with Mrs Cronin. While we were waiting our turns, we challenged ourselves to make the longest paper chain we could! The children organised themselves into a production line, some colouring, some cutting and some sticking together the chain. They even had someone on rubbish collection to keep the work area tidy!


This may just look like an excuse to throw paper airplanes but we are hard at work learning all about air resistance. We made three designs of planes to test which one would travel the furthest.


We have been working very hard on our sewing skills and are putting them to use in joining the two sections of our pouches together. Threading the needles are still taking a lot of concentration.


Testing our design skills in Computing today. We have been using a program to design a box for Christmas chocolates, thinking about every side. Today we started to put those designs to the test and make the box. 


After planning our investigation last week, this afternoon we got to carry it out. We had to be careful to keep our controlled variables the same in order to ensure a fair test. We were looking to see which surface produced the most friction.


Our Whole Class Reading lesson today was all about audience and purpose. We shared lots of books to see if we could identify who they were aimed at and why they had been written. We also got a read a few silly books too!!


We nipped into the hall today to act out what we thought would happen next in Kensuke's Kingdom. After heading back to the classroom we had to write them down before reading on to see if we were right.


All our hard work in Art so far this year is paying off. We spent some time this afternoon compiling our final pieces based on Peter Thorpe. I think they look rather good and can't wait to see them all dried out and finished.


Year 5 have blown me away today! We made a veggie version of Cawl to celebrate Wales. They all prepared the vegetables safely and following good hygiene. They also all gave the finished result a good try with many asking for more. And more. And more!


Kicking off National Week in style with some traditional May Pole dancing. Lots of fun was had by all and no one ended up in a tangle!


A rather messy afternoon! We took advantage of the new canopies to take the messy paper mache outside, even in the drizzle!  Our rockets are starting to take shape though, ready for painting next week.


Getting the counters out to help us find factors of numbers today. We tried to make as many arrays as we could to discover the factors of different numbers.


Maybe the most exciting event happened at the end of today. We had four wonderful firefighters come in to talk to us about their jobs and how to keep safe. Everyone, including Miss Coates and Miss Jackson were given the homework to test the smoke detectors at home. We also then got shown around all the different equipment and tools they have on the engine. 


First we were given different events that happened while the Anglo Saxons and Vikings were battling for control of England. Then we had to create a graph based on how much of a high or low point it was for the Vikings. We had some great discussions about which things were worse.


Who says you never get to use playdoh in Year 5? We used playdoh, after letting Miss Coates do the complication scaling Maths, to create planets showing the relative sizes of each other. Most of us were quite surprised by how small Earth is compared to some of the others.


This afternoon we took our cups outside to create our own rhythms to go along with our sea shanties. This was after we learned two versions together in class. It is much harder than it looks!


Messy fingers all round this afternoon! We were using chalks to experiment with blending, light and shadows by creating planets. 


Year 5 marked National Fitness Day by joining in with a workout lead by Braywick. There were lots of other schools joining in as well, even Miss Coates did a few star jumps!


English today did have us making a slight mess. We were experimenting with different places we could put our subordinating clauses. We wrote a main clause on one colour and a subordinate clause on another. This meant we could quickly find the best place for that clause to go. 


Our first Play Leader session happened today! We spent some time talking about what makes a good leader then learnt some games we could lead ourselves. Much fun was had by all, even Ms Coates and Ms Jackson!


Today, Ms Coates asked us to show off everything we could remember about writing stories. We were shown some pictures for inspiration and could write any kind of story we liked. Ms Coates was very impressed with the results and by our amazing thinking and focused faces. 


Our first day in Year 5, sees us getting familiar with some of the books in our book corner. We looked at the covers, the blurbs and even started reading them! All this, before the books went head to head for us to find our first story time book. The winner was the slightly spooky 'Crater Lake' by Jennifer Killick.
