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Larchfield Primary and Nursery School

Our children are central to all that we do.

Class Activities

Sports day was a blast, the children loved it! well done you all did brilliantly.

Water play in the lovely weather we have been having!

We had a lovely afternoon of celebrating Eid, the children were able to dress in their party clothes and learn more about how Eid is celebrated.

We had a great time in book week with making book marks, reading books, telling stories and of course dress up day!

We have been working on fine motor skills this week, great job!

Lovely counting and naming of shapes this week.

The children loved building with the Dominoes, lining them up then pushing them over, great for their fine motor skills.

Our children were busy bee's colouring and mark-making together, lovely communication going on!

The children enjoyed making headbands that represented friendships, we have been talking about using our kind hands, our kind words, sharing is caring and how important friendships are.

It was lovely watching these children playing with the sensory bead letters.

We had a new teacher in class today, she was fantastic.

A new game of shape match.

The children loved gluing and sticking making their own collages.

We had some police officers and fire fighters helping in class, they were so helpful.

The children loved playing in the sand and making sand castles.

The rice sensory tray was very popular.

The children were practicing their gross motor skills while following simple instructions.

The children enjoyed looking through our Power Point learning all about people who help us!

We have been practicing our pencil control!

Lovely counting happening today!

We have been looking at books, talking about what we think is going on in the pictures, some have even been making up their own stories!

Our topic this term is 'People who help us', we had some fabulous doctors in Nursery today!

The children took part in an activity that involved using their sense of smell, they were blind folded then asked to guess the smell of each scent, coffee and lemon was the most difficult to guess, with chocolate being the easiest!

Today we celebrated Dwali, we coloured in some Mehndi pictures, made lanterns and listened to year 1 tell a story. All the children looked fantastic in their celebration clothes and have had a brilliant day!

Practicing our fine motor skills using the tweezers.

creating shapes and patterns, the children enjoyed this activity.

This week the children have been counting using their fine motor skills.

This term our topic is 'Our five senses'. The children were blind folded so they could not use their sight and had to rely on their touch to say what they thought was put in to their hands.

A game of number recognition, the children tried so hard, well done!

Learning our shapes playing shape monsters.

We played a game that helps us to learn our colours.

Mark-making has been fun!

We were looking at ourselves in the mirror, looking at what colour eyes we have, what colour hair we have then painting a picture of our face.

We were learning how to use scissors safely!

Enjoying arts and crafts

Playing with dry and wet sand, they realised they could only build sand castles with wet sand!

Water play was popular!

The children are settling into Nursery nicely, so proud of them all.

Play-dough was a popular activity today!

We introduced the new afternoon children to the trim trail, it was great to see the capabilities of their physical development as well as the fun that they had!

The afternoon children enjoyed the water just as much!

1rst Primary School of Koropi kindly sent us a picture of there display from when they were doing the same topic us 'The world around us'. It is now displayed on our topic board for the children to see.

It is lovely to see how well our new afternoon children are settling, welcome to our Larchfield family, I am proud of them all.
