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Larchfield Primary and Nursery School

Our children are central to all that we do.

Class Activities


We have had a busy week in Year 4 . The children have been busy working on their persuasive leaflet for Valleyberg ski resort. They worked hard to include all of the key features and have been key to share their work under the camera to the class. In maths, we have continued to look at time and have grown in confidence to read the time using the 24 hour clock. In the afternoons, we have been busy working on our year 3/4 production. This will be shown to parents on the 4th July so please bring ticket letters to join us. To end the the week, we have had a fantastic school games day today. The class worked very hard and were great team members for their house. 


Summer 1 Week 6

WOW! I can't believe we have reached the end of the half term. 

This week we had our class trip to Kew Gardens. We really enjoyed it and learnt lots about different plants. We even saw the River Thames after learning about it earlier in the week. We sat outside the Palm house and did sketches of the river using the style of Monet. I was really impressed with the detail and effort put into their pictures. 

Summer 1 Week 5 

WOW! This term is flying past. 

This week we have been looking at playwriting and setting descriptions of Badger's den in English. The children have been very creative with their choice of language and have worked really hard. 

We have continued our work on Money and have worked hard to apply our knowledge of decimals to the context of money. 

In Science we have learnt about sorting different animals based on qualities such as what they eat, type of animal and whether it lives on land or in the sea. 

For topic we have identified parts of a river and have labeled a river. Next week, We will be applying our knowledge to the River Thames. 

Please can we ensure that reading books are sent in everyday and home learning is bought in. 

We are all looking forward to our trip to Kew Garden's next Tuesday 21st May and I can't wait to share photos with you next week!


Summer 1 Week 5

Summer Term Weeks 1-4

We've had a busy few weeks in Year 4. The class have settled well this term and have been working very hard. 

In English, we have been looking at Wind in the Willows. We have created setting descriptions about the river, letters home to Mole's mum and have started to create Playscripts. 

In maths, we have been continuing to look at decimals and now applying our knowledge to Money. 

For our topic, we have researched facts about rivers and been looking at the water cycle. I'm sure the children will be able to sing you the song.

In computing, we have been using scratch to create quizzes. 

Our artist of the term is Monet and we have been working hard to colour match to Monet's art. The children have been fantastic and have took their time to carefully match the colours. 





March 21st 2024. Today we continued our investigation into electricity. The children were given the challenge to make circuits that worked and didn't work. If they didn't work, they had to explain why and what they needed to do to make it work. Good team work today!

March Performance Poetry

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March Performance Poetry

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March: Performance Poetry

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7th February - Islamic Art. We are very proud of our Islamic patterns which have created and drawn ourselves.

Three Blind Mice!

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Today we used our knowledge of pitch to play the tune Three Blind Mice in Science


Still image for this video

22.1.24 Today in Science we investigated whether the size of our pinnae (outer ear) made a difference to how well we can hear. We even made our own ear trumpets to test our theory!

9.1.24 Today we asked ourselves the question, Why should we study Early Islamic Civilisation? The children considered a number of statements and graded their importance. There was a lot of meaningful discussion as to which were the most important factors which they recorded.

Year 4 have started our new topic Breaking Boundaries with an introduction into the Golden of Age Islam. We looked at pictures to see what they could tell us about life in Baghdad 900CE.

13th December Year 4 have been working hard to create their Pop- Up Christmas cards. We have been designing, creating and learning new folding and cutting techniques

27.11 Today we were detectives at a live Roman event on the BBC! We had to find out about Roman life in Britain using artefacts and clues.

9th November. Today we learned about democracy and Parliament. We discussed voting and held our own ballot to elect our School Councillors

Friday 20th October. Today we used our pottery skills to create a bust of Julius Caesar.

National Week - We have had a busy week looking at British Values and the South East where we live. We have used evidence to draw a plan of what a Roman town would have looked like and identified Roman settlements on a map of the South East. We have baked delicious rock cakes and even had a go at Maypole dancing!

~ Autumn Term, Week 2 ~

We have had a very exciting history lesson and we are invested in investigating questions about the Roman Empire. This weeks question was, 'Should the Celts defend against the Romans?' The children had goes at spying on the Roman army and creating an image of what they saw - armor, weapons, training and organisation The children decided the Celts should not battle the Romans, they were too strong for them!

~ Autumn Term, Week 1 ~
