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Class Activities

Summer Term 2 Week 7

Summer Term 2 Week 6

Another busy week has flown by for Year 2. This week we reviewed our learning around fractions and went over our 2,5 and 10 times tables. In English the children looked at the features of leaflets and then designed their own, using the internet to research key facts for their leaflet.. We also looked at alliteration and onomatopoeia. The children really enjoyed these lessons. In Art they coloured in their self portrait. In Science we looked at how the shape of different materials can be changed. 


Summer Term 2 Week 5

In English this week we looked at expanded noun phrases and verbs. We also wrote some acrostic poems which the children enjoyed. In Maths we went over partitioning numbers and odd and even numbers. In Art we looked at how to draw a self portrait and in Guided Reading we looked about improving our comprehension skills.

Miss O'Rourke left this week after completing her teacher training. We have loved having her in Year 2 and wish her well as she begins her teaching career.

Summer Term Week 4

This week in Maths we revisited arrays. The children had their final reading and maths assessments. In English we continued our pirate topic and the children wrote a diary entry. In DT the children leant about circuits before making their lighthouses. They did an amazing job. It's great to see the home-learning continue to come in. Please encourage your child to complete some of the home-learning grid if they have yet to do any tasks. Can I request that your child brings in a water bottle and a hat every day. The weather has been very humid this week and every child should be bringing in a water bottle.

Summer Term 2 Week 3

This week I took 3 children to Waltham St Lawrence Primary School for the yearly Year 2 Rotary Mighty Math Competition. 10 schools competed. The children has to solve reasoning problems as quickly as possible.  I am incredibly proud to say that our team came first and were presented with a trophy in assembly this week. We get to keep the trophy for a year before returning for the competition next year.

This week the children started making their lighthouses for their DT project. We revisited spelling our common exception words. We had sports day of course, which the children enjoyed. We looked at pirates in English and the children had fun learning about pirates, describing them, designing a treasure map and writing a message in a bottle. Geography we looked at weather and climate and in Maths we revisited shape.

Summer Term 2 Week 2

It's great to see home-learning still coming in. The children are really enjoying this topic. I would ask that you please encourage your child to complete a few pieces of the home-learning grid if they haven't already.  It does help boost their confidence when public speaking. 

This week we had our Sharing Assembly which was just brilliant. I am so proud of all the children. I hope you enjoyed it too.

In English we are finishing off our Katie Morag books. We wrote character descriptions and the children created a fact file about the Isle of Coll - researching the island themselves.

In Maths we went over some prior learning - place value and adding and subtracting 2 digit number using exchanging. In Geogrpahy we looked at the physical and human features of our local area. 

 Summer Term 2 Week 1

 The children have had a good first week back to their final term in Year 2!

We have begun our Katie Morag book - Katie Morag Delivers the Mail. The children worked on a comprehension and prediction for this text. IN Maths we looked at direction and turning in halves and quarters, which tied in with their prior learning on fractions.

The children are excitedly practising for their sharing assembly next week (Thursday 13th June). 

We looked at materials in Science and continued our Madagascar topic in Geography.

Summer Term 2 Week 1

Summer Term 1 Week 6

This week the children completed their SATs assessments. This is the first year SATs for Year 2 have not been compulsory. The aim of the optional assessments is to give schools access to test papers to support in the measurement of pupil achievement and to help identify where  pupils need additional support as they transition into key stage 2 (KS2). The tests consisted of  1 Grammar paper, 1 Spelling paper, 2 Maths papers (Arithmetic & Reasoning) and 2 Reading papers.

This week the children also learnt about semi colons in English, position in Maths and reviewed their sunflowers in Science.

Some children took part in a Fencing Tournament at Braywick Leisure Centre. It was great fun and they learnt some new skills.

We also looked at the importance of water safety and the children made some posters.

It's hard to believe we are now half way through the Summer Term.

Next term, we start some new topics and have some exciting days ahead, including sports day, our sharing assembly and our whole school trip.

As always, thank you for your continued support. Have a wonderful half term.


Summer Term Week 5

The children completed an independent write in English, writing a diary entry. They have enjoyed the book Grandad's Island. 

In PE the children progressed to the next level of hitting a target. In PSHE the children learnt about wants and needs and in Maths we finished our statistics unit.  The children took their sunflowers home. Some children took part in a fencing tournament at Braywick. I was very proud of how they all represented the school.


Summer Term 1 Week 5

Summer Term 1 Week 4

It's great so see so much home-learning still coming in. The children are really enjoying the topic.

We started a new topic in Maths this week - statistics, so the children have been learning about tally charts and how we show data.

In English the children wrote a diary entry from Syd's perspective for our Grandad's Island story. They also learnt what a contraction is. We have been practising spelling our common exception words over the past few weeks so please encourage the children to keep learning their spellings. 

In Art the children finished their jellyfish paintings and evaluated their work. We have some very talented artists in Year 2.

Summer Term 1 Week 4

Summer Term 1 Week 3

This week ,Year 2 welcomed a trainee teacher - Miss O' Rourke, who will be with us until mid July. Miss O' Rourke has settled in nicely and has been getting to know all the children.


This week the children finished learning the time. They were assessed on their understanding at the end of their unit. In English the children started a new book  - Grandad's Island which they are enjoying. They have also been focusing on improving their comprehension skills.

Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning. It relies on two, interconnected abilities: word reading (being able to decode words) and language comprehension (being able to understand the meaning of the words and sentences).

Good comprehension is vital if reading is to have a purpose, if a child is to engage with and learn from a text and, ultimately, if a child is to enjoy what they’re reading. Reading comprehension helps develop memory skills, an ability to focus and a child's ability to solve problems - which will obviously benefit all subjects.


In Art, the children continued their learning about the artist John Miller. This week the children used oil pastels to draw jelly fish and then painted the ocean. Next week the children will add additional detail to their paintings such as seaweed and fish.


We continued learning about plants and what they need to survive. I am also pleased to report that some of the sunflower seeds the children planted last week have started to sprout.


The children are doing a sterling job with the quality of home-learning they are bringing in. It is lovely to see their confidence blossoming each time they deliver their work to the class. I would encourage your child to spend some time completing something on the home-learning grid as the children that do, really enjoy having their moment at the front of the class and seeing their work displayed on our learning wall.


Friday was our class tip to Wellington Country Park. Despite the rain, we all had a wonderful day. I was extremely proud of how they represented our school. They listened carefully, fed animals, played in the adventure playground, enjoyed a train ride and had a huge amount of fun. If you're looking for something to do over the summer, I would recommend visiting when the weather is nicer as it is a great family day out.



Summer Term 1 Week 2

Another busy week in Year 2! The children have grasped learning the time very well. Please encourage them to continue at home. In Science we planted sunflower seeds. In PSHE we talked about the importance of having rules when playing games and about being kind and inclusive when playing with others.  It is great to see so much home-learning coming in. If your child has yet to bring some home-learning in this year, please encourage them to do so. This is a great opportunity for your child to share their learning with their peers, helping their confidence grow. In Geography we recapped on previous learning about the Oceans and Continents and in P.E the children working on improving their throwing skills.

Summer Term Week 1

What a wonderful first week back we have had in Year 2.

Our theme this term is Castaway. It has been lovely to see so many children already bringing in home-learning this week in relation to this topic.

In English we started a new book - The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. This week we focused on possessive apostrophes and character descriptions. In Maths we reviewed our previous learning on fractions and looked at problem solving . Next week we will start learning to tell the time. In R.E we talked about being thankful. The children came up with some wonderful examples of why they are thankful. In Science we started a new topic - Plants. Next week we will be planting some sunflowers. The children also enjoyed Music this week. They created a sequence of sounds looking at african animals.

Spring Term Week 6

It's hard to believe we are the end of another term. This week the children evaluated their dragon eyes. They will be taking them home this week.  They were assessed for their end of unit topic on continents. The children really enjoys this topic. We had a visit from the Dog's Trust which advised the children on how to stay safe around dogs. In Maths, the children finished their fractions off and I'm pleased to say they all did very well in a recent arithmetic assessment. Please keep encouraging your child at home to use TTRS regularly.  It was great to see so many taking part in the Easter Bonnet competition. There were some wonderful creations.

Have a lovely Easter and thank you as always for your continued support.


Spring Term Week 5


This week, the children continued learning about fractions in Maths. They did an independent write in English - writing a newspaper article about the Race to the South Pole. In RE we looked at Holy Week and talked about what happened every day and why it is an important part of  Christianity.  In Art, the children glazed their dragon eyes, so they will be sent home next week once they have assessed their work. I must say I have been blown away by how creative each child has been. They look fantastic!

 Spring Term 2 Week 4

This week is British Science Week so we started the week with a live lesson on BBC Teach, looking at lifecycles and  metamorphosis. This tied in with our learning from last term on Animals Including Humans. In Maths we started a new topic - fractions and in Geography we jumped over to another continent and did some research on North America. In Art, the children used clay to make their dragon eyes. They haven't quite finished them yet, but so far their creations are phenomenal. I am so impressed!

In RE we continued learning about Lent and talked about what happened to Jesus in the desert and how he coped with temptation. We finished and performed our Circus Dance and in English we looked at suffixes and wrote a diary entry pretending to be Captain Scott recanting his expedition to the South Pole.

Spring T2 Week 3

We started the week with some PSHE - What colour is your dragon? The children grasped this concept at the beginning of the year, so it is great to see they understand it and continue to use it daily. The children have now completed the course so will be given a certificate in recognition of their achievement.

In English we looked at descriptive writing, focusing on the book Molly McDrew - An Adventure Around the World. The children have produced some great writing and acting this week which has also tied in with our Geography learning on continents.. In Maths we finished our measurement topic. We start fractions next week.  In Art, the children designed their dragon eye and played with clay to get a feel for the texture. We looked at the skills involved using clay.  On Friday we had World Book Day. It was great to see all the children dressed up in costumes aligned with our learning so far this year. They looked fabulous. 

Spring Term 2 Week 2

The children enjoyed getting outside this week. We explored the school garden in search of microhabitats. In Maths, the children learnt about mass, capacity and temperature. The children enjoyed learning about Europe and Asia when looking at the continents this week. We also learnt about Captain Robert Falcon Scott's expedition to Antarctica which took place between 1910-1913. In English, the children wrote an independent story based on our class book - Lost and Found.

We also loved having author Naomi Joslyn into visit us on Friday. She has written some wonderful picture books which cover some of our learning this year - Molly McDrew and the Great Fire of London and Molly McDrew - An Adventure Around the World. It was great to hear the children recant their knowledge of their prior learning. 


Spring Term 2 Week 1


The children had a great first week back. In English we started our new book - Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. In Science we started our Living Things and Their Habitats topic, investigating different habitats. In Maths we looked at measurement. In RE we looked at what Lent is and why it is important to Christians. We looked at continents and oceans in Geography.

The trip letters to Wellington Country park were sent home. Please can these by returned ASAP. The trip is available now to pay on Scopay, thank you. Next week the traveling book fair will be visiting, so books are available to buy after school every day (excluding Wednesday). Thank you to those who have already donated books for the book swap. We have a nice collection in our class and the children have enjoyed listening to some of the stories during class reading time.

Spring Term 1 Week 6


It's hard to believe it's the last week of term. It's flown by! This week we finished off our Great Fire of London topic in History. The children have really enjoyed this topic. They enjoyed learning about Tudor Houses, Samuel Pepys, Kind Charles II and what life was like back in 1666. In English the children wrote diary entries as if they were Samuel Pepys and did an independent write from a child's perspective during the Great Fire. I am so proud of their writing and of how far they have come so far in Year 2. In Maths we continued with multiplication and division. In Art the children assessed their Great Fire of London artwork. This week is Children's Mental Heath Week, so we talked about who we can talk to in and out of school. The theme was 'My Voice Matters' The children did some meditation, cosmic yoga and we talked about their proud moments and gratitude moment. It was Safer Internet Day (SIF) this week. We talked about how to keep safe online. We finished the week off with a newspaper report in History and  learnt about Chinese New Year. The children made some great dragons representing the year of the dragon.

Have a lovely half term and that you as always for all your support. Mrs Cookson

Spring Term 1 Week 5 WB 31.1.24

Another wonderful week of learning!

In Maths we looked at division and went over some previous learning to reinforce adding and subtracting. In English we looked at homophones, especially there, their and they're. In RE the children enjoyed learning about the Shabbat. The children finished their Great Fire of London collage in Art and in Science we investigated why our heart rate increases when we exercise.

Spring Term 1 Week 4 WB 22.1.24


This week we continued our instructions of how to catch a dragon in English, using Pie Corbett's Talk for Writing approach to learning.

In Science the children had a lot of fun conducting an investigation into shoe size v age. In Art we started our Great Fire of London collage and in History we looked at why the fire spread so quickly. In RE we continued looking at Judaism and in PSHE we talked about what helps us to focus. We continued our dance session about the secret garden in PE and the children are doing well in Maths, understanding sharing and equal grouping.

Spring Term 1 Week 3 WB 15.1.24

This week we finished off looking at money in Maths and started our multiplication and division unit. The children looked at identifying equal groups. In English the children wrote an independent piece of writing  - their own version of George and the Dragon. 

In Science we talked about the human lifecycle and the children named each stage. We completed our kite project in DT and also researched Tudor houses for our Fire and Ice theme. The children are enjoying learning about the Great Fire of London and what London was like in 1666. We have compared what it was like to live in London at that time, how the fire started and why it spread so quickly. The children also took part in a Spaceship Earth Primary Show this week which they enjoyed.

Spring Term Wk 2 WB 8.1.24

The children enjoyed their first dance lesson. Our theme is 'The Secret Garden. We continued looking at money in Maths. The children loved role-playing being a shop keeper and recognised the challenges working out the change for the customer. We researched the Great Fire of London, looking at how it started, the damaged caused and how far it spread. In PSHE we talked about fire safety, what to in an emergency and the children designed fire safety posters.

It is great to see the home-learning coming in. Please encourage your child to bring some home-learning in. This helps their confidence when speaking in front of the class.


Spring 1 Week 1 Spring Term Week 1 This week we jumped straight into our new book reading George and The Dragon. The children are really enjoying the story. We looked at nouns and adjectives and the children wrote an alternative version of the story. We have started learning about money in Maths, looking at the value of coins and pounds and adding different amount together. In Science we have started our Animals Including Humans topic. We looked at what a lifecycle is and the stages of complete metamorphosis. This term the children can wear their PE kits on Tuesday and on Thursday as we will be doing dance on Thursday's. New spellings were sent home this week. The spelling test will be next Friday. Timestables homework was also sent home. Please encourage your child to learn their 2 times table, including the division facts. They will be tested every Friday. Thank you. Have a lovely weekend.

Autumn 2 Week 7

Autumn 2 Week 6

Autumn 2 week 5

Autumn 2 Week 4

Autumn T2 Week 3

Autumn T2 Week 2

Autumn Term 2 Week 1

National Week. We have had a very busy week learning all about British Values and Scotland. We have even had a go at Maypole dancing!

Autumn Week 6 Another great week of learning in Year 2. In English we did some grammar work about commas and questions marks. We looked at the Three Little Pigs houses and the materials they were made from in Science. In Maths we looked at 1 more and 1 less and counting in 10s. The children enjoyed learning about the Space Race in History. We had a fantastic response to the harvest food donations. We came a very close second during the whole school line up so I was very proud of the children. They are continuing to work hard. Next week in National Week so we have some exciting learning planned.

Autumn Week 5 The children completed another independent write in English this week. They have worked hard to understand diary entry features and wrote some wonderful entries. We finished place value in Maths and moved onto addition and subtraction. In Art the children enjoyed making their own birds of paradise. In Science we looked at identifying materials outside. It is great to see so many children continuing to bring in their home-learning. Thank you to those that have donated items for food share. Donating even one item will help someone less fortunate, so thank you for your generosity.

Autumn Week 4. Another busy week in Year 2. We continued with place value in Maths, using numberlines and our number bonds knowledge to add and subtract. In English, the children wrote a postcard for their first independent write based on our recent class book - Whatever Next! We have now moved onto our next book - Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram. We have looked at sequencing a story and the features of writing a diary and done some work on writing in the first person and the past tense. In Art, the children continued their Birds of Paradise topic and in PE they worked on balancing, throwing and catching. Thank you to those that sent in donations for the Macmillan Coffee Morning.

Autumn Week 3. We continued learning about place value in Maths. In English the children used adjectives to write about feelings and experiences of what it would be like to visit the moon. In Guided Reading we explored inference in stories and in PSHE we talking about being kind and thoughtful. It is great to see so much home-learning coming in. The children love sharing what they have done.

Week 1, The children have settled into Year 2 very well. We began our Come Fly with Me topic, learning about who the Wright brothers were and the impact they made in history. The children enjoyed watching the first flight and we had a great class discussion about the challenges the Wright brothers faced. In Maths, the children looked at place value and in English, we recapped the correct use of capital letters.

Week 2 14th September Scootability! We all had fantastic fun learning how to use scooters.

Week 2 13th September. Today we started our new Science topic, Everyday Materials. We discussed the different types of natural and man-made materials before conducting our own investigation to find the most absorbent paper towel.
