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Larchfield Primary and Nursery School

Our children are central to all that we do.

Classroom Activities

The children have had a very busy week. They performed their production, Let Loose, to an audience and it was a great success. The singing,  acting  and piano playing from one of the was amazing and we are all so proud of them. In Geography, the children have been learning about North America. They have identified the different countries on a may, learning about the geographical features and the capital cities. They also completed their playgrounds in DT and will evaluate them next week. The all showed that they can work together well as a team. 

WB 1/7/24

A group of year 6 children went to Dorney Lake this week and they had the opportunity to take part in some Olympic and Para Olympic events. They took part in some very exciting sports which included: boating, wrestling and archery; it was great to hear that they developed many new skills when they were there. All of the year 6 had a basketball session with coach Pete, He coaches the Thames Valley Cavaliers who are based in Langley. They had an excellent time working as a team and learning how to dribble. 

WB 24.06.24

The children have been working hard on a DT project this week. They had the challenge of designing and making a playground which would be safe, challenging and appealing for children. They had to design five piece of apparatus individually and they come together in groups to create  a final design. They had to work as a team and use good communication skills. Once they decided their final design they began to decide on what materials they wanted to use and started to create it. Keep an eye out on our class page next week for the final product and their evaluations. The children are continuing to work hard on their final school production. Lots of the children have had the opportunity to help make and paint some of the props which well be on stage and they are looking fantastic. 

WB 17/6/24

The children had a talk with a someone from Kooth which helps them to reflect on their feelings and emotions as they start their transition to secondary school. We had lots of great discussions and it also gave them a chance to discuss any worries that they may have. They will have the opportunity to set up an account so that they can access many useful resources to support them. The children had a great time in cricket this week. They have continued to develop their skills on how to catch and throw the ball. This week they were focusing on bowling and i must say they all did very well. We are continuing to work hard on the end of year production and it is great to see that we have so many amazing singers, dancers and actors/ actresses. I am so prod of them.

WB 10.6.24

The children have had a fantastic week and their highlight has been their residential to Paccar. It was a great opportunity to try different activities which include: rock climbing, abseiling, caving, going on a zipwire and having a go on a 3D swing. All of the children showed lots of determination and resilience and they should be very proud of themselves. Mrs Cole, Ms Kosick and Ms Harrisson had a very good time and I would like to thank them for going with the children. 

The children are in full rehearsal mode for their school production. They have the lines and their lyrics so they will need to work hard on learning them. The songs are up on the website so they can listen along to the tune. 

WB 20/5/24

This week, the children had a visit from Wayne Dixon who helps the children prepare for their transition to secondary school. They had the opportunity to ask him questions about some of the things that they can expect from transition and they were also given a book called 'It's your Move' which has lots of tips and advice on how they can make the move to secondary school. Preparations have started for the final end of year production! The children had the chance to look through the script and audition for their roles. All parts have been allocated and the script and lyrics have been given to all of the children so they can start to learn them. They have worked hard this half term and we are all very proud of their achievements. 

WB 30th April

The children have had a great time in science this week, researching and wring information about how animals have adapted to their environment. They found out lots of information. We have started to think about transition to secondary school in their PHSE lessons and the focus this week was on how they may have to think about budgeting. They came up with lots of ideas such as: budgeting for food, the cost of transport and school equipment (pens and pencil cases). The children enjoyed their dance session this week and they are still focusing on journeys. The have been working on putting a sequence of movements together and have also started to think about how they can use props to bring their performance alive. They are continuing to work hard on their revision in maths and their arithmetic knowledge has improved so much; they should be so proud of themselves. 

WB 22/4/24

In science the children have been learning about evolution and how plants have evolved over time so that they can survive. They had to look at a cactus and explain how their features helped them to survive in their environment. In English, the children have been writing setting descriptions and their use of adjectives and expanded noun phrases. We have started a new project in art and we are looking at how African slaves that were forced to work on plantations ( in America and Caribbean islands) managed to escape using the underground railway (a network of safe houses and routes into Canada and safe states). They would create quilts and use them as maps to help them escape from their plantations. We have read Clara and the Freedom Quilt and used this story to inspire our own designs and will be linking it to their transition to secondary school. The mini police also had a session this week and they were learning how police officers use radios to communicate and they also got a chance to use them. In PHSE, the children have been learning about how they can keep physical and digital money safe. They were given a senario and had to decide what the risk was and what they would do in the situation. They worked very well in their groups and showed good speaking and listening skills. 

WB 15/4/24

The children have made a great start to the summer term and have come back eager to learn. In English, we have started a new topic called Alma and the children have been writing some excellent character descriptions about the main character. The vocabulary, punctuation and the use of a range of sentence types has been fantastic. Lots of them have achieved some fantastic spelling results this this, some achieving full marks!  We have made a start on our new class text which is called 'Holes' by Louis Sachar and the children are already eager to read on to find out what happens. Keep an eye out on our class page to see how this text is going to inspire some great work from the children. In maths, the children have been learning how to read and plot coordinates in the four quadrants, also how to translate shapes on a grid. We have started a new topic in PHSE which is called Economic Wellbeing and it has already sparked some very interesting debates! The children will be having dance lessons this term and they have made an excellent start. The theme of their dance is 'Journeys' and it will link to their learning in history as they will continue to develop their knowledge of the Windrush Generation.

WB 18/3/24

The children have been working so hard this week and they should be very proud of themselves. In maths, the children have continued to develop their knowledge on statistics and this week we have focused on pie chats. The have been interpreting them and creating their own. They have had lots of fun using protractors! In Geography, we have been having lots of debated this wee. The children have developed their knowledge of they different types of farming and whether or not we should have mega farms. We have had a big focus on grammar this week and the children are becoming more confident with using inverted commas. This will definitely help them next term when they are integrating dialogue into their own stories. In music, we have been discussing body percussion and the children created an amazing version of Twinkle Little Star. They even managed to perform their version in unison. 


WB 11/3/24

We had a visit from the Dog's Trust today and they taught the children how to be safe around dogs. They children learnt s much and had lots of questions. It was a great workshop. In science, the children have been learning about micro organisms and they carried about an experiment to see what is needed to make them grow. For this experiment, the children put yeast, sugar and warm water into a bottle. They then covered it with a balloon and throughout the day they observed the changes. By the end of the day the balloon got a lot bigger as carbon dioxide was being released. They realised that yeast feeds on sugar. The children have been working hard in maths this week and have done so well in arithmetic and reasoning. They have also started to learn about statistics and have been interpreting line graphs and dual bar graphs. Next week they will be creating and interpreting pie charts. The Mini Police have also been working hard and developing their knowledge on how people can keep their cars safe. They learnt that it is important not to leave valuables on display and they had the opportunity to look at the cars in the staff car park and advised the owners how to keep their cars safe from being broken into. 



In science this week, the children have continued to learn about classification but this week they have been thinking about how they can organise plants into groups. The main ways which they came up with were flowing/ non flowering and vascular and non vascular. They were able to use the internet to research different examples of these. The children have continued to develop their knowledge of area  in maths but this week they have focused on calculating the area of triangles and parallelograms. In English they have been working on writing diaries and they have been learning how to write in the future tense.

All of the children have access to a learning platform called Doodle Learning. They are able to work on key areas of maths, grammar and spelling. They have enjoyed using it this week and they like earning stars once they have completed an activity or an assignment. In celebration of World Book Day, were were visited by an author called David Barker and the children had the opportunity to hear what has inspired him to write and were able to listen to him read  a part of his story 'Pax and The Missing Head'. The children loved listening to it and many are very eager to get a hold of a copy so that they can see how it ends! 

WB 26/2/24

Lots of learning has taken place this week and the children have continued to develop their knowledge and skills. In English, the children have been writing some poetry. The children were inspired by the poet John Angard and his poem, Windrush child. They focused on some of the things that they would be leaving behind, some challenges that they would face moving to a new country and some of their hopes and dreams for the future if they were part of the Windrush Generation. The also include lots of techniques for effect such as repetition. What they have written is amazing and I am very proud of them. In maths, the children have been learning how to calculate the area and perimeter of rectangles and triangles. They have enjoyed learning about this and have applied their knowledge to real life contexts such as fitting carpets and skirting boards in a house! In art, the children have been learning about Mexican artist, Frida Khalo and what inspired her. The children have started to create their own interpretations of her work. They have started to sketch and colour their backgrounds. Next week they will start to sketch their self portraits. We also had a Zoom call with author Emma Caroll, who wrote Letters from the Lighthouse. We read her book during the autumn term and it was great to hear what inspired her to write and how she develops ideas for her novels.

WB 19/2/24

The children have had an excellent first week back and lots of learning has taken place. In English, they have written some excellent informal letters which have been inspired by the book Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah. We have started a new topic and maths- fractions, percentages and decimals. The children have been looking at the  equivalent fractions and they are now learning how to covert them. In science, the children have started to develop their knowledge of how they can classify plants and animals. In the next lesson they will be creating classification keys.  Some of the children had the opportunity to do some reading with Billy the dog which they always enjoy. 

WB 5/2/24

The children were very lucky this week as they had the opportunity to go to Co Green secondary School to see a live performance of 'We Will Rock You'. All of the children enjoyed the show and loved listening and watching the band performed Live. The children are definitely a fan of the music which has been produced by Queen. The children have continued to work hard in topic and this week they have learnt about the Windrush Generation. The children then went on to write some excellent newspaper articles. The children, who are part of the Mini Police, had a session this week and the focus was on how people can keep their homes safe. They came up with some excellent ideas.


In English, the children have been learning about the features of a biography and they have been enjoying learning about William Shakespeare and Michelle Obama. Next week they will writing a biography on a chosen key figure in history. In maths, they are developing their knowledge on the place value of decimal number and thinking of where they see them in real life contexts. The children have created some fantastic art work this week. They have reflected on a number of piece of art work and used it to inspire their own work. In science, they have been learning about how they can keep their bodies healthy and they had lots of fantastic ideas. In PE, they have continued with gymnastics and this week they had to include a ball of a hoop as part of their routine. There were lots of very impressive creative sequences!

WB 15/1/24

In science this week, we have been investigating how exercise can impact on a persons heart rate. The children did three different exercises which were walking, jogging and running. They then had to take their pulse rate and record it onto their results table. This was then written up as a scientific investigation. In maths, the children have continued to work on algebra and this week they have been learning how to solve 1 step equations- they all did very well. The children have written up their final draft of their persuasive letter and they are fantastic. They have worked hard to use a range of punctuation and their handwriting has improved. 


In music the children have continued to develop their knowledge of music from the 1970's but this week they have been comparing original songs to cover versions. They had to listen for similarities and differences in the tempo and if they could identify any different instruments being played. As they enjoyed it some much las week, they had another go at showing off their disco moves whilst listening to the music. In science they have been learning about what blood transports around our bodies and we also revised how the heart transports blood around the body. In English, the children have been working on their dictionary skills and using a thesaurus to improve their vocabulary. In maths, we have moved onto algebra and the children have enjoyed investigating different ways to form expressions. They have realised that algebra isn't too bad! Lots of fun was had in gymnastics. The children have been working on creating sequences in groups and have learning to land safely when jumping off a piece of equipment. 


The children have started a new topic in music and the focus is on discussing 1970's Soul music. The children enjoyed listening to songs produced By Chic and The Real Thing. They also learned some disco dance moves which include: the funky chicken, the disco finger, the hustle and the bump.  They really enjoyed showing off their dance moves! In maths we have been learning about scale factors and how they can enlarge a variety of 2d shapes to specific scale factors. They have continued to develop their knowledge about the heart and have learnt in more detail how the heart pumps blood around the body and the function of the veins and arteries. 

Spring 1

The children have settled back in very well this week and it has been a great start to the term. We have started our new class text, 'The boy at the Back of the Class' by Onjali Q Rauf and the children are already enjoying it. It has inspired the children to write a recount about the narrators first day at the new school. In science, they have been learning about the heart and they have developed a good understanding of the different types of blood that the heart pumps around the body. In maths, we have been focusing on ratio and they have enjoyed investigating the different combinations that can be made by using the counters. In art, the children have started to develop their knowledge of Sonia Boyce and created a lovely artist study page. We will continue to learn about her style of art and we will be using her work to inspire their own pieces of art. 

Autumn 2 Week 6 

It has been a very festive week in year 6. The children have been working on creating pop up festive cards. The cards that they have created are fantastic. All of the children have worked so hard this term and they should be proud of everything that they have achieved. 

Autumn 2 Week 5

The children  have continued to work hard this week. In maths, we have moved on to learning about converting units and have been applying this to real life word problems. In music, we have continued to learn about how different genres of music can be fused together and this week they have been learning about Tokio  Myers. The children have been focusing on cooking in DT this week and have been researching recipes that were used during WW2. The children who are involved in the 'Mini Police' had a visit from PC Clever tis week. For their activity they had t work in teams, listen to a description of someone that they are looking for and then create a sketch. Many of their drawing were very close to the description that was given to them. We were very impressed! In PE, the children have been developing their skills in handball. They were focusing on throwing and catching and working as a team. 


Autumn 2 Week 4

The children have continued to work hard this week and have produced some amazing work. In maths, the children have bee continuing to work on fractions. This week they have been adding and subtraction mixed number fractions. In Geography they have been conducting questionnaires around the school and have been finding out what the staff and children know about plastic pollution. They have been taking suggestions about how this can be reduced. The children have been learning about social media and how to stay safe if they are using it. A group of students came to talk to them about this and it was very informative. 

Autumn 2 Week 3

The children have been working very hard this week and they have produced lots of great work. I maths they have been working on fractions. and have learnt how to convert denominators so that they are the same. They definitely needed their times tables knowledge for this as they had to find common multiples. In Geography, the children are starting to learn about sustainability with a focus on plastic. they have learnt about what it means to reduce, recycle, reuse and what refuse means. All of this background work is leading up to a fieldwork project which you will find more about next week! Mrs Cole has been teaching them Spanish and they we using Spanish dictionaries to find out the meaning of words and had to put them into to categories. 

Autumn 2 Week 1

It has been a great start to the term and the children have settled back in. In maths the children have been focusing on long division and they have tried very hard to learn the method and the process. The children have been writing newspaper reports based on evacuation and they have produced some fantastic work. They were using inverted comas when writing eyewitness accounts. Over the past few weeks, the children have been developing their skills in art and the final pieces have been amazing. They applied their knowledge of using charcoal to create light and dark, use a variety of shading techniques and draw in perspective.  They were definitely inspired by the work of Henry Moore. 

It has been National week and the children have had a fantastic time. We have been focusing on Coventry and they have learnt a lot! They have been developing their map reading skills and have learnt how to read six figure grid references on an ordinance survey map. In art, they have been inspired by the artist John Piper and they drew some beautiful pictures of Coventry Cathedral. They had the option to use charcoal or pencil. We also looked at some traditional food that they eat in Coventry and one of foods are God Cakes. They enjoyed making them and eating them. 

It has been another great week in year 6 and lots of learning has taken place. In maths, the children have moved onto multiplying up to 4 digit numbers by a 2 digit number. The children enjoyed the challenge of this and applying their knowledge to real life word problems. We will continue to work on this and they now know how important it is to know their times tables. In English, we have been discussing the features of newspaper articles. They had the opportunity to create their own headlines and write captions for photos which were based on World War II. We have continued to learn about Henry Moore and the children were using charcoal to draw abstract shapes.

The children have been continuing to learn about the artist Henry Moore. They have been developing their knowledge of the different shading techniques and the work that they produced was fantastic. We had a visitor from a road safety education officer called Tamasine and she talked to them about how to stay safe near and on a road, how to cross a road safely and the importance of wearing a helmet when riding a bike. In maths, the children have been investigating numbers and the focus has been on factors, prime, square and cube numbers. Science was very exciting this week as the children were investigating how the size of a shadow changes when an object is moved closer or further away from our light source. Not only did they develop their scientific knowledge, they also used their maths skills as they had to plot their results onto a graph. 

As part of our WWII topic, we have been studying Henry Moore. He sheltered alongside Londoners during the Blitz and he used his experiences to influence his work. Over the next few weeks, the children will be learning about the different techniques he used and will use them to inspire their own work. The children have also used their skills in drama this week. They were given scenario cards and they had to adopt the role of an evacuee. They had to use their skills in empathy to understand what it was like for them. To end the week, they had a visit from a Police Community Service Officer, PCSO Clever. She is launching a new project with year 6 where they will have the opportunity to become 'Mini Police Officers'. The children will have the opportunity to learn about their role and take part in some community events. There are only 20 spaces available so if the children are interested they will need to fill at an application form and bring it back with the consent form. They are very excited to start the project and we will keep you updated. 

Year 6 SATS and residential meeting

Thank you for attending the meeting last night where I discussed the year 6 SATS and the residential to Paccar. I have uploaded the power point which I shared into  the Trips and Events Tab on our class page. If you have any questions, please get in contact. 

Lots of fantastic learning has taken place this week. The children have begun to plan and write their first draft of a diary entry, which is based on what it would have been like to be an evacuee during World War Two. In history, the children became historians and they analysed graphs linked to the changing numbers of evacuees. They had to make inferences as to why the numbers increased and decreased between 1939 and 1945. They found out that key events such as the Blitz and memories of World War One were some of the reasons for this. In computing, the children have started to plan and create quizzes which some children in key stage one will be able to complete. When creating the quizzes, the children had to consider their audience and how they could make them fun and exciting for the children. 

The children have had an excellent week and lots of exciting learning has taken place. In maths, the children have been developing their knowledge of the place value of numbers up to a million. They have enjoyed reading, especially our class text, Letters from the Lighthouse. Many of the made some fantastic predictions and inferences based on the illustrations on the front cover. In Science, the children have been introduced to their topic which is Light and they carried out an exciting investigation. They had to prove that light travels in straight lines and the children were very excited when they found out that it does! The children are enjoying our Lights Out topic and have been very inquisitive. This week, they have been using their geographical skills to identify some of the countries who were involved in WWII. They have to locate the allies, those who wanted to remain neutral and the axis. 
