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Larchfield Primary and Nursery School

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Class Activities

Week beginning 15.7.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week our story was 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' as part of our 'Once Upon a Time' theme.

Today the children tasted different types of fruit (oranges, apples and grapes) and we made a pictogram of their favourite fruit (please see photos).


In Maths, we have been focusing on 'maps'.  I modelled making a map from a story (Goldilocks and her route from her home) and a map to school.  We also made maps of obstacle courses.  Vocabulary included 'passed, passes, first, through, then, next, in front of and below'.


The children are looking forward to the school trip next week to Ruislip Lido.  Details have been sent home of what they will need (spare clothes).  We had a social story to prepare the children of how they can enjoy the day.


The children did really well with their 'Transition afternoon' into Year 1.


Please return any library books and reading books as soon as possible please.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 8.7.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week our fairytale focus was "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" as part of our 'Once Upon a Time theme'.

The children received a surprise letter from Goldilocks giving excuses for going uninvited to the house of the bears.  We shared ideas as to why she shouldn't have entered their house and wrote a class response back.


Today the children used porridge and we talked about 'states' when adding hot and cold water.


In Phonics, the children have learned sounds /e-e/ (as in the word 'even') , /i-e/ (as in the word 'fire') as well as Phonics Review lessons.


The children used their phonic knowledge to write posters against littering.  They were fantastic! :-)


In Maths, the children have been using Cuisenaire rods, finding which other rods could be used to match the length of a specific rod (vocabulary included length, equal, same as, long, longer, short, shorter, shortest and longest); patterns and scoring for a bean bag game.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs, Sharma




Dear Parents/Carers,


This week our fairytale focus was 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' as part of our 'Once Upon a Time' theme.

The children enjoyed making masks representing the 'troll' and enjoyed re-enacting the story which they presented to the class (please see photos).  

They also learned why we have bridges; bridges from the past and suspension bridges (Golden Gate Bridge (in US) and Forth Bridge in Scotland).

Today, we worked as a class thinking of qualities a bridge would need (strong; hard; 'not too bendy' etc.) and we made a bridge using cardboard and tested how strong and stable it was (see photos).


In Maths our focus was 'problem solving'.


In Phonics, the children have learned sounds /ey/, /a-e/, /au/ and a 'Review session'.


The children enjoyed watching Year 3 and 4 in their performance of 'Rock Pool'.  They were great! :-)


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma


Week beginning 24.6.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week our story focus was 'The Elves and the Shoemaker' as part of our 'Once upon a time' theme.

We discussed the story thinking about how the shoemaker felt at the beginning of the story; what changed about the way he felt and why the elves came to make shoes for the shoemaker.


The children learned about the different types of shoes (clogs, boots, wellingtons, heeled shoes, flip-flops and sandals etc,) as well as shoes for different activities (e.g. football boot which have studs; ballerina shoes which are much lighter)) as well as footwear worn by Eskimos to keep them warm as well as having some sort of grip so they don't slip.


Today we wrote a letter as a class from the Elves to the Shoemaker.


In Phonics, the children have learned sounds /ph/; /ew/ and /oe/.


In Maths, the children have been learning about making new shapes with 2 right-angled triangles and making different shapes with squares.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma


Week beginning 17.6.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week our  focus was 'Jack in the Beanstalk' as part of our 'Once Upon a Time' theme.


In the first part of the week, the children thought of and were introduced to alternative words to describe different situations in the story.  For example, 'furious' to describe 'How would about Jack's mum have felt when he came back with beans instead of money?'  

We also planted broad beans and will be comparing their growth in different conditions (sunlight versus one with no light).  They also revisited lifecycles by learning about the lifecycle of a bean plant.

Today, we thought of the question 'Was Jack right to take the beans from the Giant?' and wrote a letter back to the him from the class.


Outdoors, the children thought of questions they had about the clouds (e.g. 'Why do clouds fly?') and wrote these questions (please see photos).  Next week I will be sharing the answers with them.


In Maths, we have been learning 'Taking away' playing games using our ten-frame (see photos) and our 'First, then, next' stories.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma




Week beginning 10/6/24

Dear Parents/Carers,


The week started with our class trip to Windsor Castle (please see photos).  The children had a great time where they saw the Dolls House, State Apartments and St. George's Chapel.  They enjoyed a 'Once upon a time a dragon' workshop too.  We are so proud of them as they set a good example to the school and they thoroughly enjoyed the day.


In Phonics, the children have learned sounds /oy/, /ea/ and /ue/.


In Maths. the children have been learning about adding with our 'first, then and next' stories as well as with an 'unknown first'.


In our 'Once upon a time' topic we have focussed on the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'.  They enjoyed re-enacting the story with props (see photos).  They also learned about places where people live such as villages, towns and cities and the differences between these as well as different types of homes (semi-detached house, bungalow, boat, log cabin, campervan, thatched cottage and an Adobe home).


Today they learned about the roles of plumber, electrician and architect and how we rely on the first two to have running water and use and charge electrical items such as phones, tablet and a washing machine.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 3/6/24


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we started our 'Once upon a time' topic with our focus on the story of 'The Gingerbread Man'.


The children enjoyed listening to the story and acting it out with the repeated refrains.  As a class we also looked at how the story ending could change and the children came up with some great ideas (e.g. he tickled the foxes throat and he popped out!) and we scribed this as a class.

We also looked at the ingredients to make a gingerbread biscuits and carried out our own experiment where we tested what might happen when places in hot and cold water?  The children learned that the hot water helps break down the butter and it begins to break much quicker than in cold water.


In Maths, the children listened to the story of 'Mr. Gump's Outing' and we  played counting on with a track game and 'adding on' with 'First, next and then stories' (see gallery for photo).


Tomorrow  the Gingerbread Man will visit us and the children will have a chance to interview him.


The children enjoyed our 'role-play' crime scene where they gathered evidence and wrote a report using their phonic knowledge for the police!


In Phonics, the children have learned sounds /ay/, /ou, /ie/ and /ea/.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week the children have been busy rehearsing for their class assembly.  We hope you enjoyed it!


We continued our learning on 'Dinosaurs' and discussed theories of a meteor (what it is) which may have caused dinosaurs to become extinct.  Later we made our volcano which the children enjoyed.  Tomorrow the children will share their learning as we complete a 'Yippee Yellow' where they will share their learning on dinosaurs.


In Maths, we have been looking at 'Odd and Even numbers'.


In Phonics, it has been Review Week in ELS and we have been revisiting sounds and 'harder to read and spell words'.


In PSHE, we continued 'listening to instructions'.  We played a treasure hunt where the children listened to a clue and went to that part of the school in order to listen to the next one.


Thanks you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 13.5.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued our learning on 'Dinosaurs' and the sounds dinosaurs made.  We looked at the Plesiosaurus (where Paleontologists examined this particular dinosaur) and listened to a clip of what it sounded like.


In Phonics, the children have looked at 'ed' ending words which make the sound /d/  and CCCVC words.


In Maths, the children have been learning about 'Grouping' and started an introduction into 'Even and Odd'.


The children have been busy practising for their class assembly for which we look forward to presenting to you on Thursday 23rd May at 9 o'clock.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma


Week beginning 7.5.24


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week, in Phonics,  the children have been learning to read CVCC with 'ed' at the end of the word (e.g. 'mend' and 'ed' becomes 'mended') and CCVC words with ed /t/ (e.g. ripped).


In Maths, the children have been learning about 'sharing' between two people (and later four) and what we might do if there is one extra (so we might cut it in half and have half each).  Vocabulary introduced included share, equal, equal groups, equally, fair, unfair, half and whole.

The children had opportunities during Independent Learning time to make balls from play dough and share between gingerbread men as well as sharing biscuits (please see photos).


In our 'Dinosaur' topic the children learned that dinosaurs also lived in Great Britain (specifically the Megalosaurus).


Previously we read 'Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs' and the children build traps to trap the dinosaur and wrote lists of what they used (see photos).


As the weather is getting warmer, please apply sun cream before school and send sun cream in (named please) as well as a sun hat.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 29/4/24


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued our 'Dinosaurs' topic by looking at what dinosaurs ate.  On Monday the children saw some pictures and a short clip from a Paleontologist who explained that they used fossils to determine this.  They say some fossils with plant imprints as well as a dinosaur skull which show flat teeth to indicate that this particular dinosaur was a plant eater.

Later, we discussed how the teeth of a T-Rex helped it to tear meat whereas the long neck of a diplodocus helped it to reach leaves high on the trees.  The children were introduced to words such as 'carnivore, herbivore and omnivore' and their meaning.

In Maths, we looked at capacity and estimated then checked how much water a container might hold.  The children also learned about 'doubling'.

In PSHE we have been looking at instructions and played a game of Chinese Whispers.  Later, we discussed why it is so important to tell the truth and have open and honest communication.

In Phonics, we have reviewed sessions alongside learning 'harder to read and spell words': out, like, some, come, there, little, one, do, children and love.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma



Week beginning 22/4/24


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued our learning on 'Dinosaurs'.  The children learned what dinosaurs looked like and how they these features helped them (for example Ankylosaurus had a club on the end of his tail; triceratops had three horns; raptors were more 'bird like' and T-Rex had sixty teeth and could eat the equivalent of 300 adult pizzas in one gulp).  We also discussed how paleontologists looked at fossils to determine what dinosaurs looked like.


In Phonics we have been reviewing our sounds and have also learned 'harder to read and spell words' - when, what, said, so, have and were.


In Maths the children have been learned about ordering numbers; playing a 'Race to 20' to help them with counting and played bingo.


For your reference, children will visit the school library on a Friday for this term only (not a Thursday).


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma




Week beginning 15th April 2024


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week the children started their learning on our 'Dinosaurs' topic.  Earlier in the week they found some large eggs in the garden which we brought them inside and monitored them.  They hatched a few days later and dinosaurs appeared!

The children learned that dinosaur means ‘terrible lizard’ and other vocabulary such as extinct, prehistoric; fossil and paleontologist.


In Maths, the children have been using ten frames in a game 'Race to 20'; 'estimating' and 'ten frame subtraction'.


In Phonics, the children have learned sounds:

/ow/ (as in down); /oi/; /ear/ ; /air/ (as in hair); /ure/ (as in cure); /er/ and /ow/ (as in slow).

They have also learned the following ‘harder to read and spell words’ – ‘all’, ‘was’ and ‘her’.


In PSHE, we have talked about the importance of listening and following instructions.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 25.3.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week the children were learning about 'Easter'.  We started the week learning about the Easter Story and later learned how people celebrate it. We discussed how Christians may go to church; people go 'egg rolling' (to resemble opening the tomb where Jesus lay, the large stone rolled down the hill); they may eat hot-cross buns (the cross resembles Jesus on the cross) as well as going on Easter egg hunts.


In Maths the children have been learning more on number patterns and matching pictures to numerals.


Today they enjoyed watching the iRock concert and made 'chocolate crispy cakes' where they learned about solids, liquids and changing states.


Have a safe and happy Easter.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 18.3.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we started our topic on 'Spring'.  The children saw a video clip and we discussed the meaning of Spring (new life) and the signs of Spring.

Today we looked at how Spring is celebrated around the world (e.g. In Japan it is good to sit and have a picnic under a Cherry Blossom tree; in India they celebrate the festival of Holi where they throw coloured powder at each other and in Spain they have a colourful carnival to name a few).


In Science, the children have been learning what a 'lifecycle' is and we showed the different stages in the 'lifecycle of a frog' (vocabulary included lifecycle, frogspawn; tadpole, froglet etc.).


In Maths, the children have been learning number patterns and have also enjoyed a game of bingo using different representations of number patterns (unifix cubes, numicon and ten-frame).


They have also been busy making Easter cards and writing lists to show the 'Signs of Spring'.


In RE we recapped the story of Vasakhi and how it is celebrated and discussed similarities and differences with other festivals that we have learned so far such as Diwali, Christmas and Chinese New Year.


Kindest regards




Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued our learning on 'Surprising Sharks'.  Today the invited Mrs. Cole into Reception Class as she is scared of sharks.  They shared facts about the different types of sharks (size and features); the three types of killer sharks; how a shark using it's features to help him breathe and find food as well as how shark is used in man-made products.


The children also learned about the five oceans and the sea life that inhabits them as well as how we leave waste and how it enters the sea and affects sea life.


In Maths, they have continued their learning on 3D shapes including matching them to 3D objects; printing with 3D shapes and patterns.


As it is British Science Week, we made a water filtration system using a plastic bottle, sand, tissue and stones to filter dirty water.


In PSHE, they have learned about the importance of sleep to keep us healthy.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 4.3.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week the children continued with topic of 'Surprising Sharks'.  They have learned many facts about them and learned that not all sharks are dangerous (perhaps they could share their learning with you and tell you of the three killer sharks!).  We have also discussed its features and how these help it catch food (e.g. water flows in the sharks nostrils as the shark moves forward and brings scents along with it).


The children have used their phonic knowledge to write about 'What they see in the sea'.


In Maths, they learned about 3D shapes and their properties.  The children learned that 3D shapes are all around us and they enjoyed spotting them on a 3D shapes hunt.


In RE, the children have been learning about what it means to be brave and the story of Vaisakhi (Sikh faith).  Next week we will learn how people celebrate Vaisakhi and similarities with other festivals.


Tomorrow in PSHE they will learn more about what the word 'healthy' means and that some foods are healthier than others.


They enjoyed 'book swap' day on Monday and inviting mummy to the Mother's Day Tea yesterday.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma


Week beginning 26.2.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week the children continued their learning on 'Suprising Sharks'.

In one of our topic sessions, the children responded to a visual image and shared ideas with their 'talk partner' of what they saw.  We then shared our thoughts and I modelled writing a sentence using their ideas.

In another session they saw a photo of a shark and talked about what came to their mind.  The words and phrases were then used to make class poem about it.  We had some great phrases e.g. 'Sharp blades on its back!'


In Maths, the children have been comparing numbers within 10 as well as ways of making 10 using a 'ten-frame'  I shall be sending more details of this with your child if you would please support them.  Thank you.


In PSHE, our focus has been 'Healthy Me' and the children learned more of what happens to our body when we exercise.


Tomorrow the children are looking forward to a visit from author Naomi Joslyn.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 19/2/24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week the children started their learning on 'the topic of 'sharks'.  They were introduced to the book 'Surprising Sharks!' by Nicola Davies.  They were introduced the words 'non-fiction' as this is a fact book.  They learned the names and facts of some different sharks (e.g. the whale shark is 12m long and the 'Dwarf Lantern sharl' is the size of a chocolate bar).

They later enjoyed making their own facts about them.  The children also thought of some great questions having been given an overview of the book.


In Drawing Club (we focused on book, 'Would You John Burningham) and the children drew pictures and used their phonic knowledge to answer the question 'Which animal would you lock your teacher in a room with?'


In Maths, the children have been learning to order numbers and compare numbers to 10.


In Phonics, they have learned /ai/ and /ee/ sounds.


In PSHE we are learning about 'Being healthy' and how important exercise is.


The children were sent home with a template to redesign the front cover of the book that we are currently reading (Surprising Sharks!).  We look forward to seeing these on Monday 26th February.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 5/2/24


The children continued their learning on Chinese New Year.

They learned more of the things people do when celebrating the festival (decorate houses; give cards and presents; families come together to; 8 or 9 dishes as this indicates families coming together; firecrackers to get rid of evil and watch dragon dancing).  We discussed how celebrations are similar to Christmas and Diwali.


They enjoyed writing in Chinese on sheets of red paper which they later made into envelopes in which they placed a chocolate coin as well as making rosettes.


We also looked at the Chinese zodiac and the children were told which animal represented them according to the year that they were born.


In Maths, the children have been learning composition of 9 and 10 and representing 9 and 10.


Writing opportunities have included which animal they would like to be from the story as well as writing a wish (another tradition is the Chinese Wishing Tree, where they write a wish and tie it to an orange and throw it on a ‘Wishing tree’).


Have a safe and happy half term.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 22/1/24


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week the children started their learning on the ‘Chinese New Year’.  They listened to the story behind the celebration and enjoyed re-enacting it.  This is the ‘Year of the Dragon’ and they learned that dragons are lucky to the Chinese.  They watched people ‘dragon dancing’ and later we performed our own dragon dancing in the hall (see photos).


In Phonics, the children learned sounds /ch/ and /sh/ (videos allocated on Bug Club) and also used their phonic knowledge in sentence writing.


In Drawing Club, we enjoyed the story of 'Would You Rather?' by John Burningham where they learned the following vocabulary: foolish, decision, danger, embarrassed, revolting, brave, freezing and boiling.  The children will continue this next week.


In Maths, they learned 'how many altogether'; comparing length (with vocabulary taller, short, shorter, shortest); comparting length (long, longer than, longest, short, shorter than, shortest) and measuring height.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 15/1/24


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued our learning on 'Splash! Anna Hibiscus'.  We looked at how maps are useful and can give us idea of 'where to go'.  As a class we made a map of our outdoor area and labelled the areas. The children then had the opportunity to make their own map and annotate using their phonic knowledge.  

The children also learned where our water comes from.  We discussed how it is rainwater that gets collected in reservoirs and cleaned and supplied through our taps.  

We also discussed how some people in other countries have to collect their water early in the morning when it is cooler and then filter and boil their water.

Today we discussed how to stay safe near water (please see photo gallery).


In Drawing Club last week, we read "We're going on a Bear Hunt" (where they learned words 'wandering, joyful, obstacle, courageous,  panic, tiptoe, flee and hide').  The children then thought how 'Bear would get to the upstairs window'.  They came up with some great ideas such as jumping on a trampoline.  They then drew their picture to show this and used their phonic knowledge to describe and write about it. 


In Phonics, the children learned sounds /z/, /zz/ and /qu/ and we did a 'language session' where they also learned tricky words 'she, my, by'.  Phonics videos have been allocated.


In Maths, the children have been learning 1 more and 1 less; matching representations of 6,7 and 8 and making pairs.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma



Week beginning 8/1/24


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued learning with book "Splash! Anna Hibiscus".  We read the story and did some acting around a specific scene and then thought about what the characters might be saying ('Writing in role', please see photos).


In Phonics, the children learned /x/ and /y/.  Videos have been allocated.


Other writing opportunities have been writing to Anna about things they do as well as making rhyming words (rhyming spaghetti).


In Maths, we read the story of 'Six Dinner Sid' and learned about ways of representing 6 and 7 and composition of 8.


In Science, the children learned about floating and sinking.


Please note, we visit our school library every Thursday.  Please would you ensure your child comes to school with their library book on a Thursday.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 3rd January 2024


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we started our book 'Splash, Anna Hibiscus!' about a girl who lives in Africa and visits the beach with her family.

We discussed what me might see at the seaside; what we might take with us for a day at the beach and what we might do there (please see photos).


In Phonics, we have looked at sounds /v/ and /w/.

Writing opportunities have included holiday news, caption writing and postcard writing.


In Maths, the children have been using balance scales (learning vocabulary such as 'balance, heavier, lighter') and capacity with vocabulary such as 'empty, full, half empty, half full, nearly empty'.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 11th December 2023


Dear Parents/Carers,


The children worked really hard for their Nativity performance.  We hope you enjoyed it,


In Topic, the children learned of the first Christmas tree brought into the country by Prince Albert and how they were decorated with fruit and candles (and how dangerous this might be) as there were no plastic at the time for other types of decorations.

We also discussed how people can recycle their 'real' Christmas trees (instead of placing in 'landfill') and how the woodchip resulting from a tree that has been shredded can be reused as woodchip for the ground.


They have enjoyed their last week with Christmas lunch on Wednesday and posting their letters to Santa today (please see photos) as well as making their DT pop-up Christmas cards.  Today they also enjoyed having an entertainer in the afternoon as well as a visit from Santa.


Have a safe and happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma



Week beginning 4th December 2023


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we started our 'Christmas' topic.


The children learned how people celebrate Christmas by giving cards; presents; decorating homes and eating roast dinner with their family.  We discussed how Christmas is similar to Diwali in how it is celebrated as well as the meaning of Christmas (The Nativity) and how we can show kindness to people everyday.


The children have been using their phonic knowledge writing letters to Santa (clapping syllables for longer words and writing the sounds they hear in each syllable).  We will post these next week as a class in our trip to the postbox.


In Phonics they have learned sounds /ss/ and /j/.


In Maths, we read the story of 'The Ugly Five' and learned about equal and equal groups and composition of numbers to 5 (using 2 and 3 groups).


The children are excited to perform the Nativity next week!


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma


Week beginning 27th November 2023


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued our learning on out 'Journeys' topic.

The learned about the first bicycle the 'Penny Farthing' and compared it to a bicycle today.  We also looked at journeys animals make where they listened to a story about a swallow bird migrating from South Africa to England to lay its eggs ready for the warm weather in Spring and the animals it met along the way.

In Phonics they learned sounds /f/, /ff/, /l/ and /ll/ (videos attached in Bug Club).  They have also been learning about 'captions' and writing them using their phonic knowledge.

In Maths they learned more about one less; representing zero; composition of numbers to 5 and comparing numbers.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma


Week beginning 20th November 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week has been another busy week as the children have been rehearsing for their Nativity performance. 


We continued our learning on our 'Journeys' topic.  We discussed 'road safety' and how we can stay safe.  We talked about 'zebra crossings' and how drivers need to follow rules on the road and stop at them (as well as taking meaning from words e.g. zebras have black and white stripes and so does the zebra crossing); standing at the edge of the kerb, looking and listening for cars; staying close to and adult; pelican crossings and how 'lollipop people' volunteer to help us stay safe when crossing the road.


In Maths, the children have been learning about rectangles and squares and their properties; sorting these shapes and shape pictures.  We looked at Piet Mondrian's art based on rectangles.  Later, they made their own Mondrian art, please see photos.  We also talked about 'day' and night' and things that happen at these times (e.g. eating breakfast; when the moon and stars appear versus brushing teeth which we do in the day and night).


In Phonics, the children learned sounds /h/ and /b/ (videos allocated in Bug Club).


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 13th November 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,


The week started with our Diwali celebration where the children met with Year 1 and Nursery and we shared our learning of Diwali.  Year 1 put on a puppet show of the story of Diwali.  It was lovely to see the children dress up in their party clothes.


We also started our topic on 'Journeys'.  The children learned different ways of travelling for a journey (bus, car, aeroplane, train, bicycle etc.).   They were introduced to a picture of an Indian groom on his way to his wedding ceremony on an elephant and another on a horse as well as another married couple travelling by horse and carriage from their wedding.


We discussed 'passports' and their purpose when travelling from one country to another.  The children were shown images of the 'Wright Brothers' who invented, built and flew the world's first successful motor operated airplane. We compared it with aeroplanes of today.


In Phonics, the children have learned sounds /u/ and /r/.  Phonics videos have been attached.


In Maths, we have worked on 4 and 5 (making shapes with 4 and 5 cubes (see photos) and finding one more and one less.


In PSHE we have looked at 'What I am good at'.


The children have been practising for their Nativity which takes place on  Tuesday 12th December at 9:30am.  Their lines will be sent home next week with their role and costume details.  If you could practise learning these wtth your child.


We would appreciate junk modelling (recycled item and no items that have contained nuts etc.). If you would please wash items and send them in.  


Have a lovely weekend.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 6th November 2023


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week the children continued their learning on our 'Diwali' topic.

The children learned more on things people do when celebrating Diwali (eat sweets;  have fireworks; give Diwali cards and presents; welcome the Goddess of wealth by placing footprints of Goddess by the door; decorate the house; wear party clothes (they saw what a ‘sari’ looked like and we discussed the repeating patterns on it and we dressed Miss. Canis in a sari!) as well as visit the temple etc.  We talked how aspects of Diwali are the same as Christmas.


The children did a writing task where they used their phonic knowledge to write a list of things that people do to celebrate Diwali.


They also enjoyed cookery when making 'coconut barfi'.  We looked at coconuts and how they grow on trees.  We looked at the texture of a coconut shell and how we eat the fleshy part inside.  We also discussed solids and liquids.


As Diwali is the ‘Festival of Light’ we looked at natural and man-made sources of light.  We talked about what these terms mean and then discussed and sorted various pictures into ‘man-made’ and ‘natural’ sources of light.


We hope you like their 'diva' lamps that they went home with today.  They worked very hard to make them!


In Phonics, they have learned sounds /ck/ and /e/.  Videos for these have been allocated in Bug Club.

They have learned ‘a’ as well as ‘and’.


In Maths we have looked at numbers 4 and 5.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 31st October 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we started our topic on the Hindu festival of 'Diwali'.  The children learned the story of Diwali and it's celebration of good over evil and why it called the 'festival of light'.  They enjoyed making 'diya' lamps and making gift tag labels for these.


In Phonics, the children have learned sounds /c/ and /k/.  Videos have been allocated in Bug Club.


The children have been introduced to tricky words (these are ones that cannot be sounded out) - I, go, no, to.

I will send home a sheet with very soon,


In Maths, they have been learning about circles (they have one curved side) and triangles (three straight sides).   They enjoyed finding these shapes around the school on a 'shape hunt'.  We looked at some of the work of 'Kandinsky' and the children made their own art using circles and triangles (please see photos).


They were also introduced to the term 'rotate' when shapes (triangles) might be turned in another direction (they might look different but it is still the same shape)


As part of our whole school approach to identify our feelings and emotions ('What colour is your dragon?'), the children went on a 'Dragon Hunt' using the story "We're going on a Bear Hunt" and found two dragons (red and green).  We will use these two dragons to explore what each colour dragon means with regards to our feelings and emotions etc.


They also learned about Firework Night and why it is celebrated as well as staying safe with fireworks.  


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 16th October 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week was 'National Week' and our focus was the city of Liverpool.  The children saw a map of the UK and were shown where Maidenhead is on the map and Liverpool.  We discussed the quickest way to get there and other means of transport to travel there.


The children learned about the Liverpool Docks and how ships used to dock there to take things off the ships many years ago; The Beatles; Liverpool Football Club and Meols Beach in Liverpool.


The children enjoyed making jam sandwiches on Wednesday and we later had a picnic with songs.

In PSED, the children were introduced to 'Bucket filling' (analogy that everyone has an invisible bucket that contains our feelings and emotions).  We discussed how we can 'fill someone's bucket' by saying kind things and being helpful versus 'dipping into someone's bucket' (when something unkind might be said).


In Phonics the children have learned sounds /g/ and /o/.


In Maths, the children have been comparing and matching 1, 2 and 3.


I hope you have a happy and safe half term break.  


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 9th October 2023


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we started “Billy’s Bucket” a story about a boy who wants a bucket for his birthday and imagines seeing sea animals in his bucket.

We discussed birthdays, memorable presents and things that happen on their birthday.  We explored sea animals in the story and looks at some of their features (fin, tusks, flippers etc.).


In Maths, we have looked at numbers 1, 2 and 3 and later the children did a 'sorting' activity for these numbers.


In Phonics the children learned sounds /m/ and /d/.  Phonics videos for these sounds have been allocated in Bug Club.


In Literacy, we continued with Drawing Club and discussed what Bernard’s mum and dad might give the monster to take away the taste of Bernard (story ‘Not Now, Bernard’).  The children drew a picture of the food and labelled using their phonic knowledge.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 2/10/23

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued our focus on Ruby's Worry.  We looked at the pictures in the book to see how Ruby was feeling and we talked about how people use paint/colours to show how they feel.  We looked at some of Picasso's work from the 'Blue Period' and talked about how he used colours in  his work.  


We also looked at our local environment such as the park and shops near us.


In Maths the children have been learning 'Repeating Patterns'.  We talked about the word 'repeating' meaning again and again.  The children made patterns using unifix cubes; boy, girl, boy, girl pattern; using objects from outside (leaf, stick, stone) and using actions.  Please support your child making repeating patterns at home.


In Phonics the children have been learning sounds /i/ and /n/.  Videos have been allocated in Bug Club.


Please see video at link below (you can also find it on 'Children', 'School Videos' and search for video 'How to blend words (for reading) on our school website.  If you would support your child blending simple 3 letter words (CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant)) using the sounds we have covered in phonics.


The children enjoyed listening to the story 'Not now Bernard' as part of Drawing Club where they learned the words (destroy, ignore, chomp, leaking, fearsome, splatter and astonished).  Please ask them about these words and they might like to retell the story to you with actions.


In PSHE they were shown pictures of different emotions (happy, sad, angry, shy and nervous etc.) and we discussed things we can do to help us manage our emotions.  When starting school we might have felt shy but we soon made friends; when feeling scared we could talk to an adult and when angry we can either count to 10 or take deep breaths to help us.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 25th September 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued our focus on "Ruby's Worry".

Earlier in the week, we looked at how Ruby travels to school and thought of the different ways of travelling to school (car, bike, scooter, walk).  The children then got into groups depending on how they got to school that day (please see photos).  We counted how many in each group and we discussed the word 'popular' and what it meant.  They then thought which was the most popular and least popular way of travelling.  We also discussed walking to school as a healthy option but this might not always be possible as well as fumes from cars etc that are in the air.


The children were shown cards and we talked about when we give and receive them (birthdays/Christmas/invitation cards).  We wrote in a card for Ruby giving her advice and to what she should do if she has a worry.  The children then wrote in their cards for Ruby or their friend.

Tomorrow we will make a story map of another emotion Ruby might experience (e.g. if someone took a toy from her).


In Maths the children have been learning about 'size matching'; 'comparing amounts' (with vocabulary such as more, fewer, less, less than and more than) and 'length' (vocab - longest, long, short, shortest etc.).


In Phonics the children have learned sounds /t/ and /p/ (videos for these sounds have been attached in Bug Club).


Please would you send your child in with a coat/waterproof which has been clearly labelled.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma


Week beginning 18th September 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,


In our first full week at school, the children have settled in well getting used to our school routine.


In Maths, the children listened to the story of 'The Button Box'.  They were introduced to 'matching' and  'sorting' (different items by size/colour/shape etc).


In our topic, we have been reading "Ruby's Worry".  We have talked about worries and what we can do should we feel worried.


In Phonics the children have learned sounds /s/ and /a/.  I have allocated videos associated with these sounds in Bug Club.  Bug Club logins will be given tomorrow (they will be stuck in your child's yellow reading diary.  If no diary has been sent in, it will be on Bug Club paperwork that has been sent home).


Today, the children chose a library book from our school library.  We visit the library on Thursday's where your child can change their book for a different one.  Please note, if the book is lost or damaged there will be a cost incurred.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 11/9/23


Dear Parent/Carer,


The children have done so well settling into school life and are getting used to class routines and building relationships with the adults and other children.


Earlier in the week they looked in mirrors to check the colour of their eyes and hair etc. and shared what they looked like with their 'talk partner'.  They then made their self portrait using paint.

We have been getting to know eachother and have been having discussing what a family means and different types of families as well as who is in their family.

Today we talked about what the world would be like without numbers and read the story "Nigel's Numberless World".


Those books that have been sent in today (and read at home) have been changed for a new one.


KIndest regards

Mrs. Sharma
