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Larchfield Primary and Nursery School

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Class activities

Week beginning 6.1.25

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we started our topic on the book titled 'SPLASH, Anna Hibiscus!' about a little girl who lives in amazing Africa.

The children explored pictures of a specific beach scene and compared it to a photo outside the school and how the pictures were either the same/different.  The children  listened to a short clip of the beach and we discussed what we might see at the beach and things we might take with us. Today we shared an illustration from the book where Anna was being buried in the sand and the children acted this out, thinking for example how the sand feels and what they might be saying to each other.


In Phonics, we have reviewed sounds and the children learned the sound /oo/ as in book, foot and look.


In Maths the children have been learning composition of numbers to 5 and how many altogether.


Tomorrow in PSHE, we will be looking at 'Managing Self' and discussing why we have rules.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma


Week commencing 16.12.24

Dear Parent/Carer,


In Phonics, we have been reviewing our sounds.  In Maths, the children have learned about 'Composition of 5' and equal and unequal groups.


The children learned that Christmas Trees were introduced by Prince Albert and in those days were decorated with fresh fruit and candles.  We talked about 'artificial' trees versus 'evergreen' trees and what they signify.  Tomorrow we will discuss how 'real'  Christmas Trees can be recycled and used to help the soil and other plants.


This week has been a busy week where the children enjoyed watching Year 1 and 2's Christmas performance; visiting Theatre Royal in Windsor where they enjoyed the Dick Whittington pantomime and today posting our letters to Santa!  


Wishing you a Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma


Week beginning 9.12.24


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we were covering 'Review' sessions in Phonics.  The children were introduced to harder to read and spell words 'my' and 'you'.


In Maths, the children have been learning 'one less' (the children have enjoyed singing rhymes such as 'Five currant buns in a Baker's shop', please see photos); 'zero' and 'equal and unequal groups'.


We started our topic on 'Christmas' and the children saw a short clip where we later discussed how people celebrate Christmas (for example, people give presents as Jesus  was a 'gift' from God; some go to Church and decorate Christmas tree to name a few).


Today we compared life today versus during the time of Jesus' birth (e.g. roads with tarmac today versus bumpy roads; travelling on a donkey versus by car/scooter/bike etc. and cots versus a manger).


The children have worked so hard preparing for their Nativity.  They presented a dress rehearsal to Years 1 to 6 who loved it!  Well done Reception Class :-)  They are excited for their performance with you tomorrow.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma



Week beginning 2.12.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued our topic on ‘Journeys’.  This week we looked at animals making migratory journeys.  The children listened to the story of ‘Swallows Journey’ where Swallow had to fly to England from South Africa to lay her eggs in a nest.  The children saw various maps of her journey and the animals she met along the way.  We also talked about sea turtles who make the journey from the sea to lay their eggs in the sand as well as baleen whales which travel to warmer waters to give birth and then colder waters such as the Artic to feed for the summer.


In Phonics we have been reviewing lessons. 


Last week, the children listened to the story of ‘The Magic Bed’ by John Burningham where a little boy goes on magical adventures on his magic bed.  Using their phonic knowledge the children drew a picture and wrote a sentence of what they would like to do/go if they had a magic bed.


In Maths, the children have been learning about day and night and sorting activities into day/night.  They have also been learning about ‘sequencing’.  We looked at sequencing steps for making a jam sandwich (the children also remembered making jam sandwiches in National Week!).


Today in PSHE, we talked about being ‘unique’ and learned how some of us have similar hobbies.  After, the children enjoyed listening to the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ by Giles Andreae.


The children have also been busy rehearsing for their Nativity which we look forward to sharing with you next Friday 13th December at 9:30am.  Please do send in your child’s clothes for this as soon as possible.


The children enjoyed Snowflake Day where they enjoyed making snowflakes, decorating Christmas trees and making paper chains.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Weeks 18.11.24 and 25.11.24


Dear Parents/Carers,


The children started their ‘Journeys’ topic and we read the story ‘You can’t take an elephant on a Bus’ and later discussed the different types of transport they saw.  The children were invited to select their favourite part of the story and provide a reason for their opinion using ‘because’.


We discussed journeys people make using animals.  For example, in the desert people travel on a camel (and the camels feet are specially designed to walk on the sand); when people get married they might travel in a horse driven carriage and in India the bridegroom arrives on an elephant!


We also discussed ‘passports’ and their purpose when travelling to different countries.  We also discussed how to stay safe when crossing the road, looking and listening for cars.


In History, the children learned about flight in the past such as by hot air balloon. They learned that the Wright Brothers were interested in making  things fly and how they played with catapults when they were younger. The children were shown a bi-plane that was used for the first flight. We discussed how life would be without aeroplanes and how they help us to get to a destination quicker. The children were introduced to vocabulary 'invented, catapult and propel' which have been added to our 'word wall'. Next week they will be making a bi-plane. 


In Maths, the children investigated ways of making 4 and 5 using a 5 frame; using cube shapes to make 4 and 5 as well as one more and one less (using songs such as ‘one elephant came out to play’ (and adapting with different animals!). This week our focus was on properties of squares and rectangles and later using real-life objects and identifying if they were a square or rectangle.  The children made pictures in the style of artist ‘Mondrian’ (his pictures were based on squares and rectangles).  Please see photos.


In Phonics, we have introduced sounds /sh, /th/, /ng/, /nk/, /ai/, /ee/, /igh/ and /oa/ and harder to read and spell words ‘push, pull , was and her’.


Your child was sent home with their lines for the Nativity.  Please would you support them with these.  A letter was also sent home with details of clothes for the Nativity and allocating tickets for the performance (please note, you can allocate up to 3 tickets per family).


Thank you for your continued support.

Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week commencing 11.11.24


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued with our topic based around the story “Billy’s Bucket”.

On Monday we reflected on story events (where it took Billy’s mum and Dad 16 hours to get a whale back into his bucket).   The children listened to the story of “Is a Blue Whale the Biggest Thing There Is?” by Robert Wells and learned that a blue whale is 30 meters long.

They were shown a meter stick and compared this to their height.  We then went outdoors and measured 30 meters on the field.  We discussed what might fit inside this area and the children suggested buses, tractors and an aeroplane!


On Wednesday the children thought of words to describe our bucket and things they might do with it a the seaside.  We then discussed what a poem is and made our own class poem (please see photos in gallery).


In Maths, the children have been learning ways of ‘making 4 and 5’ using differing scenarios.  They were introduced to vocabulary ‘number, numeral, one less and 5 frame’.


In Phonics the children have learned sounds /y/, /z/, /zz/, /qu/ and /ch/.  They have learned the following harder to read and spell words ‘we, me and be’.


In PSHE, they have been sharing about special people in their lives and what it means to be  ‘valued person’.


Tomorrow in RE, they will be learning about ‘Why should we care for others’.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week commencing 4.11.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we started our new book "Billy's Bucket" by Kes Gray (about a boy who wanted a bucket for his birthday).

We had a present already wrapped up and the children had to guess what it might be.  We then played 'Pass the parcel' and one of the children opened it.  We also discussed what the children do to celebrate their birthday. 


In Phonics, the children have learned sounds /j/, /v/, /w/ and /x/ and have learned the following harder to read and spell words (he, she and buses).


In Maths, the children have been learning 'positional language' using the following terms 'on, under, in between and behind'.

We have learning about numbers 4 and 5 (counting objects  and sorting them).  


In PSHE, we discussed how to stay safe with fireworks as well as who is in our family and what makes our family special.


As part of our British Values, we focused on 'democracy' and we had a scenario which allowed the children the opportunity to discuss and share their views (where there were two puppets and one had some pens and the other didn't).


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma


Week commencing 21.10.24


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week was National Week and Reception class learnt about Liverpool.


In the first part of the week we looked at a map of Great Britain (this was likened this to what a bird might see, flying high!).   We looked at where Liverpool is located and how we might travel there from Maidenhead.  The children suggested various ways such as taxi, helicopter, train and coach and we talked about the quickest way to get there.


The children learned about the history of Liverpool docks and how food was brought over from different countries by ships; Liverpool football club as well as The Beatles originating from there.  They also learned that Liverpool is a city as it has a cathedral.


We looked at Meols Beach which has a part sandy and stony beach and what we might take with us for a trip to the beach.


Today the children enjoyed making jam sandwiches which we enjoyed this afternoon as a class picnic.  As part of our British values, the children voted on which book they wanted read on our picnic!


In Maths, the children have learned about circles and triangles.  They learned about properties of a circle (1 curved side) and triangles (three corners and three sides).  They also looked at Kandinsky who made pictures using different shapes as well as enjoying a shape hunt around school.


The children also enjoyed ‘Drawing Club’ where they listened to the story ‘Would You Rather…” by John Burningham where they learned the following words: danger, foolish, decision, embarrassing, freezing, boiling, brave and revolting.  Later they answered the question, “Which animal would you lock your teacher up with?” by drawing a picture and writing about the animal using their phonic knowledge.


The children learned about ‘bucket-filling’ which relies on the analogy that every person carries with them an invisible bucket which contains a person’s feelings and emotions.  We modelled positive behaviour where “You filled my bucket” versus not so kind words “You’ve dipped into my bucket”.   We will be using this analogy in class.


Please do support your child with their phonics over the half-term as well as making simple CVC words of the sounds that we have learned and recognising their harder to read and spell words.


Best wishes for a safe and happy half-term!


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma



Week beginning 14.10.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued our learning on our ‘Diwali’ topic.  The children saw a video clip of the things people do to celebrate Diwali which we later discussed.  Today the children made Indian sweets (coconut barfi made with desiccated coconut and condensed milk).  We discussed where coconuts grow; how the shell looks and what’s inside it that we eat and drink as well as terms such as liquids and solids.


In Phonics, the children have learned sounds (listed below) and the following harder to read and spell words (pull, as and his).

/h/, /b/, /f/, /ff/, /l/ and /ll/


In Maths, the children have been sorting, comparing and matching quantities to number.


In Science, we looked at ‘sources of light’ and discussed natural light versus man-made sources of light and sorted pictures as to whether it was a natural or man-made source of light.


The children went to the library today and have chosen a book (it should be in their book bag).  We will visit the library every Thursday so please ensure your child brings their book back so they can exchange it for a new one.  Please note, if a book is damaged or lost, this will incur a cost.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 7.10.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we started our topic on 'Diwali' the Hindu 'Festival of Lights'.  The children learned about the characters in the story and the story itself.  We discussed how in those days, there was no electricity and so the streets were lit with 'diva lamps'.  

The children have enjoyed acting out the story using face masks as well as learning how people prepare for the festival by making Rangoli patterns by their front door; lighting diva lamps; giving sweets to friends and family and eating tasty food.  Today they made Diwali cards using their 'harder to read and spell word' "to" and using their phonic knowledge to write mum/dad/nan  as well as their name etc.


In Maths, the children have been learning about numbers 1, 2 and 3.  We have talked about 'subitising' where the children can recognise how many there are without counting.  Please support your child by using the Whiterose app at link below and play the 'Subitising' option to help them.


In Phonics, the children have learned sound /ss/ and we have been Reviewing lessons where they have been applying prior learning in words, sentences and harder to read and spell words as well as writing captions.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma








Week beginning 30.9.24


Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we have covered the following sounds in phonics /ck, /e/, /u/ and /r/ and the following harder to read and spell words 'to', 'go' and 'into'.  Tomorrow we shall be sending home phonics cards with your child.  If you would please support your child in recognising the sounds and supporting your child with forming the letter (this could be on paper, in mud, flour, writing on your back etc - the letter formation rhymes have been sent home previously. Please let me know if you need another copy.


In Maths, they children have been learning 'repeating patterns'.  We discussed what 'repeat' means  as well as where we might find repeating patterns (wrapping paper; on some snakes and our clothes).  We have made various repeating patterns such as boy, girl, boy, girl etc as well with stick and leaves etc.  You may find the following link useful for playing repeating pattern games:


In our story of "Ruby's Worry" we explored environments such as garden, park and beach and what we might find there. We also did a survey of ways we travel to school (e.g. scooter, walk, car, bike etc).  On  Monday we made a story map of a scenario (somebody taking a toy whilst using it) and the children shared how we might solve it and what to include in the story map.


In PSHE, we have looked at words to desribe our emotions and whether it is a 'red dragon' or 'green dragon'.


In RE tomorrow, we will be looking at 'Who helps us'.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma


Week beginning 23.9.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we continued our topic based on "Ruby's Worry".  The children discussed with their 'talk partner' who we might speak to when we're feeling worried.  As a class, we wrote a card to Ruby with our ideas (please see photos).


In Phonics, the children have learned sounds /g/, /o/, /c/ and /k/ as well as the following 'harder to read and spell words' ('put, 'of' and 'is').

Tomorrow I will send your child home with a copy of these.  If you would support your child with recognising the words that we have covered to date (so that they can recognise them by sight when reading).  For example, you could cut around the boxes and lay the cards down and ask them to find the word or use them as flashcards.

In my weekly update (on our class page), you will find which 'harder to read and spell words' that have been introduced to them during phonics lessons.


In Maths, we have been learning about size (referencing the story of Golidilocks and the Three Bears (vocabulary included 'big, little, large, same, match, biggest, smallest); comparing amounts (vocabulary 'more, fewer', 'more than', 'less than'); comparing and ordering by height (taller, tallest, taller than, shorter than, shortest) and today we discussed length using snakes and compared length (long, longest, longer than, short, shorter than and shortest). 


Earlier in the week the children were introduced to their Year 5 'buddies' and have enjoyed getting to know them.  We look forward to meeting and sharing our learning.


At Larchfield we use 'dragons' to explain our emotions and how we're feeling.  The children went on a 'dragon hunt' (see photos) and we found a red and green dragon.  We discussed how we might look after the dragons (have enough sleep, eat fruit and vegetables, drink water and exercise).  We will be introducing these more, discussing if we feel cross, we'll be feeling 'red dragon' and how we can help ourselves etc.  In Reception class, we will be referring to 'red and green dragon' (not blue dragon as per other year groups).


Tomorrow, we will sharing 'Who is special to you?'


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma

Week beginning 16.9.24

Dear Parents/Carers,


This week we started learning on our topic based on story "Ruby's Worry".  It's a story about Ruby who has a worry which she finds gets smaller when she shares it.  Before sharing the story, we looked at a picture of the character and the children came up with some great words to describe her such as 'relaxed' and 'she dances a lot' (as the picture showed her wearing ballerina shoes).


In Phonics the children have learned sounds /i/, /n/, /m/ and /d/.

They have also learned the following 'harder to read and spell words' (which you can't sound out), 'I', 'a', 'the' and 'no'.

Please do support your child with recognising sounds covered (I will update the webpage weekly with details); recognising the 'harder to read and spell words' and blending words for reading (pinching their fingers as they say the sounds).


In Maths we shared a story called 'The Button Box' (a story about sorting buttons by shape, size, colour and material).  We talked about what 'sorting' means and sorted ourselves into groups of e.g. girls and boys.

They have also been learning about 'matching' and we have looked at how our socks and shoes match.  Today we matched pairs of wellington boots.


In PSHE, we have been looking at 'coping strategies' such as when we might feel angry or cross.  We shared ways to help us feel calm such as breathing, counting to ten and moving ourselves away until we feel calm.


Tomorrow in RE we will look at 'why we are special' and share some of our family photos.  


Thank you for your continued support.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma



Week beginning 9.9.24


Dear Parent/Carers,


The children had their first full day at school yesterday and got to know their friends in the class.  They have done so well getting used to routines.


This week we have played some listening games; shared ideas on what would be good rules for our class as well as how we will learn things and the ‘power of yet!’ (we might not know some things yet, but we soon will!) 😊


In Phonics, the children have learned sounds /s/, /a/, /t/ and /p/.

We use Essential Letters and Sounds as our school Phonics scheme.  I hope you found our phonics lesson useful in supporting your child at home.

Please see link below on how to say the sound.,vid:nBFnAcXHOUQ,st:0



Please would you label all of your child’s clothing and shoes.  Please also send your child in with a pair of wellies as well as a coat as the weather is changing.


PE is on a Tuesday and your child can come into  school wearing their PE kit.


If you would please send in a photo of you and child on a special family occasion or trip that we can share in class and put on our display board as we will be sharing about ‘families’.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma


Week beginning 2.9.24


Dear Parents/Carers,


The children settled into Reception Class really well, coming into school and finding activities.  Please see photos attached.

Please note, PE is on a Tuesday and children need to come to school dressed in their PE kits (no school uniform on these days).  Please do send your child in with a waterproof coat.


Kindest regards

Mrs. Sharma
