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Larchfield Primary and Nursery School

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Class Activities

Autumn Term 2 Week 5

This week, the children completed a reading assessment and an arithmetic and problem solving assessment. In History we looked at all the animals that were sent into space during the space race and the children completed a fact file calling it 'Animal Astronauts'. They found this really fascinating. We rehearsed a couple of times for our nativity in a few weeks. Can I politely request that all costumes are sent in as soon as possible. We will be doing a dress rehearsal on Monday. Snowflake day was as popular as ever! The children enjoyed visiting Santa's Workshop, making Christmas cards and decorations for their trees at home. I think the highlight was making a huge paperchain that is now hung proudly in the classroom. In English we studied the John Lewis Christmas Advert - Man on the Moon. This ties in with our theme this term. The children wrote a descriptive piece of writing and in Maths we continued our shape topic. 


Autumn Term 2 Week 4

We started the week with a Maths assessment. The children were assessed in all the previous unit's learning on addition and subtraction. We have now moved onto learning  about 2D and 3D shapes. Children have been identifying shapes and their vertices and looking at symmetry.

In whole class reading we read the story of Amelia Earhart and discussed her wonderful accomplishments. We have also been practicing our Nativity. The children are getting very excited to perform it to everyone. We have had a few frosty mornings so we took a few pictures as it looked so beautiful. Enjoy your weekend.


Autumn Term 2 Week 3


This week in History we looked at how the astronauts got to the moon and back in 1969.

The children enjoyed finding out that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin spent approximately 21.5 hours on the lunar surface, about 2.5 hours of which were spent outside the Lunar Module. After Armstrong had stepped onto the Moon's surface he was joined about 20 minutes later by Aldrin. They planted a flag and spoke to President Nixon by radio link-up. The astronauts also conducted a number of experiments, which included collecting some soil samples, taking photographs and setting up instruments to record the seismic activity on the Moon. if your child would like to watch take off again, they can watch it here:

In PSHE we looked at feelings and how using facial expressions and body language we can let others know how we feel. The children enjoyed expressing the varied emotions.

In Science, the children continued their material topic. They investigated which material would protect Humpty Dumpty (using an egg). They made predictions, carried out their investigation and summarised their results based on their data. We talked about road safety - all children took some information home so you can discuss the green cross code with them further if you wish. We finished our addition and subtraction unit in Maths and in English we recapped on some basics, focusing again on capital letters and full stops. We also predicted what will happen in our new book - Molly McDrew's Space Adventure.

It was lovely to see so many Year 2s receiving awards in assembly today. Please feel free to send in any achievements your child has accomplished so we can celebrate their success. We also had the pleasure of a local Ukulele band coming in to entertain us, which was great.

Have a lovely weekend. 



Autumn Term 2 Week 2


In PSHE we talked about manners and courtesy and the qualities we look for in a good friend. We also talked about stereotypes and debated on whether male and females can do the same jobs. The children watched a Newsround segment about this.

In Maths we continued with addition and subtraction, crossing 10.

In Science we looked at distinguishing between an object and the material it is made from. In English the children completed an independent write, creating their own story entry about The Owl Who is Afraid of the Dark. The children enjoyed the book The Sea of Tranquility by Mark Haddon and in History we debated why the astronauts went to the moon and wrote out questions they would ask Neil Armstrong if they were to interview him.

Thank you to everyone that came to parents evening. It was lovely chatting to you about your child. I am immensely proud of them all.

Thank you all for the wonderful donations for the Christmas Fair. Have a lovely weekend.

Autumn Term 2 Week 2

Autumn Term 2 Week 1


The children have settled straight back into school this week. Batteries recharged and ready to learn. We have a busy term ahead with parents evenings and our Nativity to learn and deliver to you all.

This week the children covered column addition in Maths. We are reading The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark in English which the children are enjoying.  We also learnt about the features of an acrostic poem and then the children wrote their own, based on Autumn. In PSHE we covered Parlimentary Week. We talked about the US Election and the children voted on who they would like to win. The children then put arguments forward to the class in favour of their favourite fruit and the class voted. Apples were the clear winner!

In Science we began our new topic - materials and in History we looked at the moon landing. We also had a zoom call with a farmer finding out about her job and what it involves. Farmer Helen told us she spends a lot of her day checking on her animals. She particularly enjoys looking after her sheep and growing wheat.

Helen informed the children about how amazing worms are for soil. Worms dig and aerate the soil, allowing more water to soak in. Helen also told us that it takes 90 days for winter wheat to grow. Spring wheat takes longer at about 100/120 days. It was a very informative session which the children loved.



Autumn Term 1 Week 8

This week is National Week. 

In Year 2 we have been researching Scotland. The children began the week by researching where Scotland is. They learnt about the key landmarks in Scotland - Edinburgh Castle, Arthur's Seat, The Royal Mile. They learnt about Scottish Clans and designed their own family crest. They enjoyed the story about the Lock Ness Monster and enjoyed creating a wanted poster. We covered some map skills in Geography and the children designed their own map of the school, using symbols to represent places within the school. I was very impressed with how well they done this.

On Tuesday the children enjoyed the Halloween disco which was a big hit.


I am very proud of the progress all the children have made this term. They have settled into Year 2 really well and have worked very hard.  We look forward to next term when we will be finding out about the space race and the moon landing.

Enjoy the half term break.


Mrs Cookson & Mrs Mungal



Autumn Term 1 Week 7

We began the week with some whole class reading for our new book - Zoom! by Sam Usher. We focused on inference and prediction skills. In Maths we continued with addition and subtraction. We looked at bonds to 100, related facts, adding and subtracting 1s and 10s. Next week we will move on to adding 3 digit numbers.

It's wonderful to see the home-learning still coming in. 22 children have now brought in home-learning. Those that have yet to bring something in have been asking to bring something in this week.

In Science we looked at what happens when we are ill and the importance of medicine. In PE the children continued improving their ball skills, in Computing the children continued improving their word processing skills and wrote newspaper reports and in English they planned and wrote and independent write. In Music the children loved learning My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean in preparation for National Week next week when we will be studying Scotland.


My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

Still image for this video

Autumn Term 1 Week 6

Another busy week in Year 2!

We started the week with an assessment in Maths on Place Value. This week we have moved onto adding and subtraction. We have gone over number bonds to 5 10 and 20 this week. We have played the number bonds game a lot, so if your child asks you to play this with them, they are practicing their number bonds. In Art the children assessed their birds of paradise creation, they continued learning about word processing in Computing and in PE they continued improving their ball games skills .In English they learnt about using commas in a list and subordinating conjunctions. Thank you so much for all the harvest donations. As a class and a school we received a huge amount which will directly benefit local families.

Autumn Term 1 Week 5

We started the week making our Birds of Paradise. The children really enjoyed this and they have turned out really well. In English and Guided Reading we continued with our Man on the Moon story. The children have been going over what VIPERS in reading means and we have discussed how important it is when reading to actively pay attention to what you are reading as this will enhance comprehension skills.

In Science the children conducted an experiment testing their heart rate. They compared their resting heart rate to their heart rate after carrying out a number of physical activities such as running, star jumps and hopping. In Maths we reviewed year 1 learning of the less than and greater than signs and answered questions comparing numbers. We also looked at estimating numbers on a number line and compared values. We have also been chanting our 2,5 and 10 times tables.

We visited Altwood School on Thursday for the 60 Active Minutes Festival. The children had a great time. 

Finally it was wonderful to see that 15 children read at home every day this week. They will get an additional 10 minutes extra play on Monday as a reward. Well done everyone.


Autumn Term 1 Week 4

In Maths we continued with Place Value and moved onto partitioning 2 and 3 digit numbers, 

In English we began our new book  - Man on the Moon by Simon Bartman. The children are really enjoying the story. This week we focused on prediction, comprehension skills, character description and they designing a poster about what an astronaut should bring to the moon.

In Science the children out an experiment investigating any links between age to shoe size. In PSHE we talked about the importance of family and who makes up our family and the roles family members take to look after us.

In Computing the children learnt about the different keys on a laptop. They opened a word document and learnt about some of the different keys needed for word processing.

This week the children were challenged to reading everyday. The children that successfully read 4 and 5 times this week all received a certificate and a prize in assembly. We will run the competition this week to give everyone another chance to succeed. Please remember all children should be reading at home daily for at least 15 minutes.

Next week ( Thursday PM)  we will be visiting Altwood School to take part in the Active 60 minute challenge. Children are to wear PE kit into school on Thursday. Have a great weekend. 

Autumn Term 1 Week 4

 Autumn Term 1 Week 3


This week the children continued learning about Place Value in Maths. In English we looked at adjectives, particularly  emotions in our story - Whatever Next! The children wrote a postcard in the first person. We continued our art project where the children designed their own bird of paradise which they will begin to make next week. In Science we learnt about the stages of the human lifecycle. Wednesday was National Fitness Day. Across the school, like many schools in Maidenhead, children took part in 10@10. Ten minutes of exercise at 10am. This 10 minute session goes towards the 60 Active Minutes every child should aim for every day. In Music, the children enjoyed creating short sounds with varied dynamics that represented an animal. 

Next week we will be running a reading competition in class. Every child the reads at home every day for at least 10 minutes and gets an adult to sign their reading record to say they have read will receive a certificate and a small prize. The children are aware of this.

Have a great weekend.

Autumn Term 1 Week 2


The children have settled into Year 2 nicely, and have adapted to the new routine very quickly. In Maths this week we looked at Place Value and recapped some Year 1 learning, going over number bonds to 10 & 20. 

In English we started our class text  - Whatever Next! This week we focused on predictions, nouns and adjectives. The children have done a lot of work on reading and handwriting and worked on their spellings. In Art our topic is Birds of Paradise so the children sketched some of these beautiful birds, focusing on tone and shade. In RE we had a class discussion about being thankful; when do we say thank you and how does it make us feel? In Science we began our new topic - Animals Including Humans. The children enjoyed matching baby animal names to their adults and we talked about what all living things need to survive. In PE we worked on improving gross motor skills with some throwing and catching.

Thank you for ensuring your child brings their reading book in daily. It gives us the opportunity to read with them throughout the week. Have a lovely weekend. 

