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Larchfield Primary and Nursery School

Our children are central to all that we do.

Letter which was emailed to YN, YR, Y1 and Y6 families today

Monday 18 May 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,


Return to school plan for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children on 1st June 2020


Please find the plan, as it stands at the moment, for a return to school for your child.  I apologise it is so long, but I need you to be clear about what is being expected of us as a school and what to expect if you choose to send your child back to school.


This is what school will look like, please be mindful that we are opening because the Government says we should and applies to Nursery/Reception/Year 1 and Year 6 only.


We won’t be opening to all children at the same time because we don’t think it’s safe.  Therefore, we will only have half a class of each year group in school on any given day.  We have carried out detailed risk assessments following the Government’s guidance. 


Please remember that we have drawn this up after many hours of trying to make sense of their guidance.  Since doing this work, the Government continue to send us more paperwork and expectations - 14 separate documents since last Monday, and so we will do the very best we can in this very challenging time for all.


Please keep in your mind that my view has not changed since lockdown, where we need to keep safe in order to get our lives back to normality.  You, as parents, make the decision as to whether to send your child to school being mindful that you have considered the health and safety of your child, the other children and the staff.


We will be limited in the staff we can expect in as some may be shielding themselves or others in their households, they may be self-isolating or may be choosing not to send their own children into school.  This will have an effect on who teaches your child.


So, what does it all mean?


Whichever groups the children will be in, they will be in with no more than 12 children throughout the day.  We will try really hard to keep the children 2m apart and the adults leading each group will also be expected to keep 2m for their safety.  Staff may be wearing PPE should it be required.


The times for start/end of days will be staggered. Parents, carers and adults accompanying children to school will not be allowed past the gates.  We feel this is the only way we can try to keep everyone safe.


*Siblings of children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, cannot be taken into school at the moment unless they are keyworker children and then all your children will be in the same group.


We cannot now open Breakfast club. There will be no childcare after 3.05pm and so we ask that drop off and pick-ups are prompt for the safety of our school family.



What will they be offered?

What are the times they will be in?

How will the class be split?

Other information


2  x mornings a week

8.30am – 12noon


usual entrance

Depends on numbers, but could be 2 groups.




2 week rota


Week 1

3 days (Mon/Wed/Fri)


Week 2

2 days (Tues/Thurs)

9am – 2.45pm


Through the nursery gate.

In groups, they will stay in one small space all day, have breaks and lunchtimes together and at different times from the other children.

The days they are not in school we will provide learning.


They will not be mixing with any other group and will not have the same breaks/ lunchtimes throughout the day


Year 1

2 week rota


Week 1

3 days (Mon/Wed/Fri)


Week 2

2 days (Tues/Thurs)

8.45am -3.00pm


Through the car park gate

In groups, they will stay in one small space all day, have breaks and lunchtimes together and at different times from the other children.

The days they are not in school we will provide learning.


They will not be mixing with any other group and will not have the same breaks/ lunchtimes throughout the day


Year 6

Week 1

3 days (Mon/Wed/Fri)


Week 2

2 days (Tues/Thurs)

8.45am – 3.05pm


Through the main gate

In groups, they will stay in one small space all day, have breaks and lunchtimes together and at different times from the other children.

The days they are not in school we will provide learning.


They will not be mixing with any other group and will not have the same breaks/ lunchtimes throughout the day



What do they need for school?



Their own labelled water bottle – filled at home


Reception Year 1 Year 6

  • Their own labelled water bottle – filled at home
  • Their own packed lunch
  • PE kit – which must go home and be washed each week
  • Wearing school uniform


*The government says clothes should be changed every day. This is another reason for us having alternate days in school.


What will we provide?

  • Each child will have their own table for the day, which will be cleaned throughout the day.
  • A plastic file which will include: pencil, ruler, rubber, whiteboard and pen. They will keep this on their table throughout the day.
  • Mid-morning snack for all children.
  • Complete commitment to caring for our children in the best way we possibly can as we always do.


Can I please ask that you let us know whether you plan to send your child back to school, for us to be able to organise staff and areas, before Sunday 24th May.  Shortly after this date, we will let you know which days your children will be attending.


Thank you for your support at this really tricky time.  If you need to speak with us about anything which may not be clear, then please get in touch.


Kind regards


Mrs J Kearney

